How Much Cycling to Lose 1kg Weight? The Best Course of Action to Take

by | Aug 28, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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It is true that cycling is a good way to lose weight, but many riders are curious about how much cycling to lose 1kg weight.

Numerous health benefits, including weight loss, immune system enhancement, metabolic stimulation, bone strengthening, muscle growth, and reduced stress, are associated with cycling.

Wellness experts say that cycling for one hour every day burns between 200 and 300 calories. Cycling consistently for at least 15 days can help you lose 1 kg of weight.

However, not everyone will be effective because weight reduction relies on a variety of circumstances, including your eating habits, current weight, cycling route, and pace. Thus, taking into account every aspect may assist you in losing 1 kg of weight swiftly.

How Much Cycling to Lose 1kg weight in a Week?

An Illustration of a person before and after a weight loss.

300 calories are burned every hour & 600 calories in two hours, according to research on steady cycling. It takes an average individual to burn somewhere around 8,000 calories to lose kilo or roughly 2 pounds of weight. Therefore, riding for 4 hours a week will be required to lose 1 kg of weight.

The more time you spend exercising, the more calories you burn; but, for a Rookie, riding for four to five hours a day is not possible. Our recommendation is to consult your physician if you suffer from any illness that makes you physically unfit before you hit the pedals.

If you are just starting out on your cycling journey and are hoping to trim down, you may be wondering how much you would need to cycle in a week to lose 1 kilogram of weight.

Some of you may be wondering how many kilometers you should ride your bike in a day to get in shape. However, not everyone experiences it in quite the same way. Each person has a unique body type, weight, and metabolism all of their own.

It is common knowledge that cycling helps people lose weight, but the exact amount depends on a variety of factors, including your current fitness level, bike route, and pace. Make sure to look at the charts we have created and analyzed for individuals with varying body weights.

You shouldn’t worry; we’ll monitor the situation as a whole. Cycling for one hour burns 300 calories for the average individual, and for two hours, it burns 600 calories. To lose 1 kg of weight, an average individual requires burning 8,000 calories. For a weekly weight loss of 1 kg, you must bike for 4 hours on a regular basis.

Here are my top picks for bicycles. Choose one of these best bicycles if you’re serious about losing weight.

  • Urban Terrain UT1000 – Check price
  • NINETY ONE Limited Edition – Check Price
  • NINETY ONE Leopard – Check price

Body Weight (70-80 kg)

For an average person weighing between 70 and 80 kg to burn 1 kg of their body weight considering you bike for an hour at a moderate speed, you would need  27 hours total. It may also be completed in a week.

Intensity LevelCalories Burned (per hour)Hours to lose 1kg
Light 20040

Body Weight (80-90 kg)

For an average person weighing between 80 and 90 kg to burn 1 kg of their body weight considering you bike for an hour at a moderate speed, you would need  22 hours total.

Intensity LevelCalories Burned (per hour)Hours to lose 1kg
Light 25032

Body Weight (90-99 kg)

You will need to cycle for an average of eighteen hours at a moderate speed to burn one kilogram of body weight if your weight is between ninety and ninety-nine kg.

Intensity LevelCalories Burned (per hour)Hours to lose 1kg
Light 30426

Body Weight (99-109 kg)

For an average person weighing between 99 and 109 kg to burn 1 kg of their body weight considering you bike for an hour at a moderate speed, you would need  12 hours total.

Intensity LevelCalories Burned (per hour)Hours to lose 10kg
Light 35822

Note: Although they may not be the same for every person, these body weight charts are generally similar. You can trust these data because this chart was created following testing and experimentation.

How Much Cycling to Lose 1kg in a Month?

The amount of calories burned during a cycling session varies due to various factors such as bike type, intensity, and body weight.However, riding steadily for an hour burns about 300 calories. If we cycle to lose one kilogram of weight, we must burn around 8,000 calories on average.  Thus, to lose 1 kg, you must bike for an average of 27 hours a month.

Since I was able to lose 10kg in a single month, I can assure you that it is possible. You can succeed if you approach it as a challenge. Depending on how much and how intensely you cycle each day, you may either accomplish it in a week or a month.

When you cycle more, you’ll reap several advantages. For example, riding at a high effort may improve your body shape and burn more calories overall in less time. Aim to cover more kilometers in less time as you gain expertise.

Related: Cycling vs Gym: Which one Should you Pick?

Cycling Tips for 1kg Weight Loss

1. Cycling Regularly

A cyclist riding his red road bike using flat pedals.

The vast majority of individuals wish to lose weight, but since they are not being consistent, they have not been able to do it. When starting cycling, be patient as your body requires time to acclimate.

Start with 50–60 minutes of cycling and work up to 120 minutes in 3–4 weeks. Thus if you become consistent with cycling, you’ll definitely see improvements. 

Related: Cycling Everyday for an Hour: what you must know?

2. Cycling Harder Burns More Calories (Increase Level of Intensity)

How many calories do you think you need to burn off in order to lose one kilo or 2 pounds weight? 8000 calories is the recommend amount you need to burn as per Health Experts

Normally, one hour of cycling burns roughly 350 calories & two hours 700 calories. To burn 8,000 calories, it takes around 11-12 days.

However, More calories can be burned in the same amount of time if the intensity of the cycling is increased. Increasing cycling intensity simply means exercising more in the same period.

A person who cycles for 2 hours, it will take him around 11 days to lose 1 Kilo or 2 pounds roughly, but if he raises the level of intensity of his effort, he will burn the same 8000 calories in just 7-8 days.

Note: Beware that It may be challenging for beginners to complete in a week. Beginners may need 2-3 weeks to burn 8,000 calories because their bodies can’t take so much pressure all of a sudden. Mountain bikes burn more calories compared to other conventional bikes. Invest on a mountain bike to lose weight.

3. Strengthen Your Resistance

To intensify the workout and improve the advantages to your heart and legs, you can add resistance to a stationary cycle.

Increasing resistance during exercise causes your heart rate to increase and increases your calorie burn.

Increase the resistance the next time you hop on the exercise bike.

4. Try Tough Terrain Cycling

Depiction of a cyclist riding Uphill & Downhill Terrain.

Compared to traveling on smooth, flat roads, challenging terrain puts your muscles to the test. Therefore, it will also help you build lean muscle in your upper and lower body.

If you don’t discover any difficult terrain nearby, try uphill riding on a flyover or natural hilly road. Uphill riding also helps to burn fat and build leg muscles.

5. Extend Intervals of Time

Cycling on a regular basis will enable you to boost your time spent moving. Assume that your personal and professional commitments take up your whole calendar.

Thus, Spend your weekend out on a lengthy bike ride. You’ll be able to ride the bike for longer as a consequence, burning more calories.

Best Time for Cycling to Lose 1kg Weight

Cycling on an empty stomach in the morning yields the greatest and fastest results. If you find it difficult, a little meal will help.

It is a superb cardiovascular workout, and also offers surprisingly many health advantages. The most beneficial aspect of this activity is that it burns fat and weight.

Morning rides on an empty stomach are suggested for those who want to lose some pounds by cycling, but if that doesn’t work for you, there’s no need to worry.

Eat a light breakfast like Banana, granola, and energy bars. It also boosts energy during cycling.

How far would I need to cycle to reduce my weight by 1 kilogram? Totally up to you. Cycling for at least an hour burns around 300-400 calories roughly, and so it will take around 1-2 weeks to lose 1kg fat. Long distance cycling is difficult for beginners, therefore it will take weeks to become used to.

Related: Cycling 20 Miles a day for Weight Loss.

Video on Weight Loss Through Bicycling: 3 Effective Tips

Good Cyclist Diet to Lose 1kg in a Month

An image showing a balanced diet.

Everyone aspires to be healthy and fit, but maintaining body weight is greatly influenced by eating a well-balanced diet.

Riding a bike regularly helps burn calories and develop lean muscle in the lower body. Even after months of cycling, many people aren’t able to achieve the desired results are poor. There are two causes:

1. Inconsistency

2. No weight loss goal

For this reason, people don’t make plans for the diet and rides. But this dietary training can benefit you if you cycle regularly to reduce weight.

What matters most is eating appropriately and keeping a balanced diet of 50% carbs, 30% fats, and 20% proteins. Avoid eating junk and processed meals for the best possible results. The golden rule of thumb for weight loss.

See also: Does Cycling Increase Height Before or After 18? Height-boosting advice!

What is the best weight-loss cycling strategy for a beginner?

Keep track of how many kilometers you can ride at a moderate pace for 30 minutes, and then gradually increase that distance as your endurance improves. Exercise challenges your muscles and raises your heart rate, burning calories naturally.

So now in order to burn more calories, increase your workout intensity. It implies you don’t need to increase workout length, only intensity.

4 Crucial Things to Take into Account When Cycling to Lose Weight

1. The Length

Cycling Competition in India - A car following a cyclist on a mountain slope road in deccan cliffhanger ultra race.

When trying to lose weight by cycling, it is more vital to cycle for longer periods of time (duration) rather than covering a bigger distance.

In other words, you may reduce your weight without biking the full Tour de France course. Comforted? Alright. But always have the odometer close at hand.

A simple test is a wonderful method to begin your bicycle training regimen if you’re still relatively new to cycling.

Utilize a GPS watch or smartphone app, or check your odometer to see how far you’ve cycled in thirty minutes.

The next time you cycle the same distance and route, make a commitment to cut down on the time by writing it down. Increasing your fitness level will allow you to log more kilometers in less time and burn more calories.

Check out this awesome video that demonstrates two methods for monitoring your cycling distance:

2. The Pace

In terms of weight reduction, intensity is always superior than speed. A ride that is strenuous uses more energy.

Bike type and trail speed (speed of travel) are two important variables that affect how hard and quickly you work when riding a bike.

In muddy, off-road terrain, for example, you will probably need to put in a lot of work to maintain a 12-mph pace when riding a hefty mountain bike.

However, even if you can sustain a fast pace when riding a road bike downhill with little effort.

I’ll suggest that you get familiar at using a heart rate monitor. With the tool, you can accurately assess your degree of exertion. Make an effort to bike at 70–75% of your maximum heart rate on most rides.

3. The Path

Your chosen course will have an impact on both the time and intensity of your workout, which will determine how many calories you burn.

If you want to make the most of your riding, choose a route that minimizes the amount of time you must stop at traffic signals and junctions.

You won’t be able to burn as many calories while riding because these pauses will slow down your heart rate and prolong your workout.

Many metropolitan areas have endless bike lanes. Use one of these other routes instead of taking the risks associated with riding on the street, especially when you are first starting out on your cycling adventure.

Traveling to a place with a lengthy, quiet road may be useful if you’d want to go for a bike ride but don’t have easy access to a bike path.

4. The Bicycle

How much cycling to lose 1kg weight - an orange giant bike in the snowy terrain.

Bicycles come in a huge range of designs; some are used for commuting, some for racing, and still others are just for exercise. Which bikes are best to buy if you want to reduce weight and get in shape?

For those trying to lose a few pounds, road bikes, gravel bikes, exercise bikes, and mountain bikes are great options.

Because these bikes can be ridden on tough terrain and up and down hills, they are great for exercise. Depending on how you plan to ride it and how well the roads or trails you’ll be riding on hold up, one of these bikes could be a better fit for you.

Related post: Gear or Gearless Cycle For Weight Loss: Which one should you pick?

Average Cycling Speed for losing 1kg of Weight

A cyclist riding her canyon grey bike.

Weight, fitness, surface, and cycle type all of these affect average cycling speed. Furthermore, beginner cyclists have a slower average speed than their more seasoned counterparts. That implies cyclists ride at different speeds. The average is 15–19kph.

Please refer to our full blog post on average cycling speed for your weight reduction goals, since the topic is quite extensive and in turn will increase the length of this blog.

Frequently Asked Questions: How Much Cycling to Lose Belly Fat

Q1. If I want to reduce weight, how many kilometers a day should I cycle?

Starting off with just 30 minutes of riding each day is advised if you are a beginner biker. To burn an increasing amount of calories each day, attempt to cycle longer and harder each time. To get the precise solution, read the entire article.

Q2. Can cycling help me lose 5 kg?

It doesn’t really matter how far you travel—you could travel 0 or 100 kilometers. You must first comprehend what a caloric deficit is. You burn more calories when you ride for longer. It will take two to four weeks to lose five kilograms of weight by riding, though, as a beginner rider cannot do this.

What is the amount of cycling required to lose 5 kg, then? To shed one kilogram, you need to expend 8,000 calories. This helps you determine the amount of weight you want to drop.

Conclusion on How Much Cycling to Lose 1kg of Weight

Sustaining the calorie deficit is the basic guideline for losing weight. If you burn 2500 calories a day, you will need to consume less calories than that in order to reduce your body weight.

Whether you choose to ride a road bike or an indoor bike to shed some pounds, both types of exercise can benefit you.

Hopefully, this answer to your query regarding “how much cycling to lose 1kg of weight” has been found. Don’t forget to tell your cycling buddies about this information.




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