Cycling Everyday for 1 Hour

by | Aug 31, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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Riding a bicycle every day may transform one’s life. It takes on a life of its own.

In addition to being a great low-impact workout that is gentler on the joints than jogging, this kind of exercise is also quite enjoyable and adaptable. The possibilities are endless when it comes to cycling: you may take a class, ride a stationary bike indoors, or pedal outside to take in the surroundings! We’ll go into detail in this extensive explanation on how riding for only one hour a day may help you in weight loss.

Weight reduction, increased energy, and increases in feel-good hormones are just a few more health advantages of regular cycling.

I’ll examine in detail exactly what will happen, if you cycling everyday for 1 hour a day in this essay. I’ll examine:

What are the Visible Results of Cycling for 1 hour Everyday?

1. Estimated Loss of Weight

An Illustration of a person before and after a weight loss.

I figured I’d start with the fact that many people who consider cycling daily do it as part of a weight loss challenge.

Cycling is a fantastic way to lose weight, which is great news. Done every day. You should be able to burn between 300 and 700 calories in sixty minutes. It’s quite a bit!

The majority of individuals need to be 500 calories underweight every day in order to lose 1 pound per week. Since the average daily calorie consumption for males is about 2500, they must consume less than 2000 calories in order to begin losing weight.

Women’s average calorie consumption is 2000, thus in order to begin losing around 1 pound each week, they would need to consume less than 1500 calories.

This is all quite subjective, of course, and varies from person to person. Nevertheless, allow me to make you a straightforward table.

The number of pounds you should anticipate to lose each week if you cycle for an hour every day and consume the recommended number of calories for your gender is shown below. During the cycle, I’m thinking you would burn 600 calories:

GenderHow Many Calories Per DayExpected Weight Loss Per Week
Male1900 (2500 eaten minus 600 burned through cycling)1 lb.
Female1400 (2000 eaten minus 600 burned through cycling)1 lb.
Male1400 (2000 eaten calories minus 600 burned through cycling)2 lbs.
Female900 (1500 calories eaten minus 600 burned through cycling)2 lbs.

2. Lowers Fat Deposits in Crucial Locations

Depiction of a child with belly fat.

It’s important to realize that very few of us experience weight loss that is distributed evenly throughout our bodies.

In most cases, weight loss starts with one or two regions.

Gender plays major factor in this. Men often start losing weight in the trunk and core region. Calves, faces, and backs are where women usually start losing weight. (Reference)

Be aware that you may not necessarily lose weight overall if you bike every day and instead just see improvements in one or two important areas at first.

3. Muscles in Tone

Depiction of toned arms by the help of cycling.

You’ll eventually realize that your legs are getting more toned and slender if you cycle for an hour every day.

The primary leg muscles of an avid biker would be better developed. You’ll work your soleus, hamstrings, adductors, and glutes in addition to your quadriceps, calves, and glutes.

When they begin a regular cycling practice, many people may see this very quickly—possibly even in as little as two weeks.

Remember that cycling does not effect other regions of your body; instead, it strengthens the muscles in your legs and buttocks. For this reason, it’s crucial to work out every other muscle group as well.

They do this not simply to avoid hypertrophy or increase their volume, but also to keep their general balance and improve their upper body.

4. Which Muscles Are Targeted With Cycling ?

Illustration of muscles that are use in cycling.
Image Source:

Cycling works the five primary muscle groups, toning and shaping them.


Daily riding usually results in the toning and shaping of this particular muscle group.

They comprise the thigh’s anterior muscle group. When riding a bike, this is the primary muscle group that makes the movement happen.

During the whole pedal rotation, from top to bottom, the quads are working. It is their responsibility to press the pedals downward.


When it comes to cycling, the glutes are the second most essential muscular group. Additionally, if you bike every day, they will tone with your quads initially.

But because the glutes are coated in more body fat than the quads, it can occasionally be more difficult to see toned muscle on them.


 To exert effort on the pedals, the calves cooperate with the quadriceps and glutes.


Aside from the quadriceps, which are located at the front of the thigh, the hamstrings, which are located at the rear of the thigh, can also bulk up through cycling.

With cycling, the hamstrings are used alone. During the pedal rotation’s upstroke, they assist the leg in bending once again.


In order to maintain proper body posture during riding, the core is utilised. Furthermore, it keeps your torso stable.

During a riding workout it is used throughout, it is especially useful while cycling over uneven terrain or up hills.

Below is a brief table that lists the muscles involved in riding, along with any changes that regular cycling is expected to bring about:

Muscle GroupImportance In CyclingResults You Are Likely To See (And When)
QuadsHighfirst and foremost, the muscles should tone up and maybe even get a little bigger.
GlutesMedium-highLike the quads, you can get toned and maybe even bigger in no time.
HamstringsMediumBecome toned
CalvesMediumBecome toned
CoreMediumYou will seem toned based on how much belly fat you can or have eliminated. Exercised with cycling

6 Internal Benefits to Cycling Daily for 1 Hour

Most of cycling’s advantages are hidden from ordinary view. Cycling for one hour a day will have the following six main effects:

1. A Hormone Surge

can we do cycling after dinner- HGH hormone production.

Daily cycling may significantly increase one’s feel-good factor!

Regular physical activity such as this produces endogenous hormones that have both beneficial effects and an overall uplifting effect on the body and mind.

Principal hormones and their functions are:

Hormone                 Function
SerotoninThis hormone encourages restful sleep at night.
Testosteronethis hormone in men that is connected to muscle mass, sperm count, and a number of other variables
EstrogenThis hormone belongs to women. Daily exercise appears to release favorable quantities of estrogen, which improve blood flow, cognitive function, and the health of the breasts, skin, and hair. It also helps lessen the effects of menopause.
DopamineThis hormone, which is present in the brain, lessens stress and depressive symptoms.


2. Enhances General Health

Our heart becomes more effective both at rest and during exercise when we cycle, which enhances our overall cardiovascular health.

The chance of having a heart attack is decreased by both lower blood pressure and coronary heart rate. Additionally, you breathe more easily because of your larger lung capacity.

We generally take longer to become fatigued because our muscles receive enough oxygen from the blood because the blood carries more oxygen to the muscles more effectively. Emissions such as carbon dioxide are also more easily eliminated.  

Our cells’ mitochondria function to convert proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids into energy.

Our body produces more mitochondria while we cycle because it recognizes that we require more energy. We then produce new muscle fibers and improve the efficiency of our existing muscles.

3. Improved Sleep Pattern

a girl sleeping peacefully.

Additionally, the quality of our sleep gets better. Several things might be the cause of this.

Your body needs time to repair itself when it is at rest, and cycling might wear you out.

Moreover, cycling lowers cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone, which facilitates slower and more effortless sleep.

4. Getting Some Vitamin D

Riding a bicycle exposes us to more sunshine, which increases our vitamin D levels. This boosts our mood and aids in sleep.

Individuals with insomnia were able to sleep for more hours each day and fall asleep more quickly after engaging in an hour-long bike ride each day, according to research from Stanford University of Medicine. (Refer to source)

5. A more robust immune system

Our immune systems benefit from cycling as well.

Infections and diseases are much simpler to recover from when one’s lungs, mind, and sleep are in good condition.

Everything concerning T cells is common knowledge these days. Inside the body’s immune system, these unique cells have a significant function. Both the body’s resistance to new infections and their resistance can be modified by them.

An analysis of adult bikers revealed that their T cell counts were higher than those of non-cyclists. And they could produce T cells at the same rates as 20-year-olds, it was discovered. (Reference)

6. A Few Bonus Advantages

Numerous more advantageous cycle effects exist.

An hour of daily cycling helps your back muscles, particularly the lumbar region, which in turn protects your spine and lessens back discomfort.

Losing weight is the result of an increased metabolic rate. Additionally, because the legs are moving during cycling, it lessens the body’s retention of fluid.

Cycling For 1 Hour A Day: Lifestyle Advantages

Regarding the potential advantages of daily riding, I thought I’d take a little unconventional approach. Let’s examine some potential lifestyle adjustments you could experience:

1. Make Use of Your Bike for Transportation

An Image of a person Cycling

You may choose to ride your bike to and from work if it’s practicable for you to get there by bicycle.

This would not only reduce costs but also facilitate the development of riding habits. Along with improving your health, it also reduces air pollution.

Additionally, you may cycle to the grocery shop.

2. Include Cycling in Family Outings

A father helping his little kid ride a bicycle while the mother is behind them.

Cycling is a great way to lead by example for your family.

Children who live sedentary lifestyles may experience weight gain and hypertension.

Instead than spending all of their time on screens, families may ride on multipurpose rail tracks or local streets. You may even have your kids ride their bikes to school, depending on their age.

3. Enroll in a race

A road cyclist riding a bike and his view from birds eye.

You can improve your riding abilities by entering a race, which is a terrific idea.

As a result, you may compete against other riders and with yourself.

You may feel good about using all of your exercise energy, even if you don’t wind up taking home a prize.

Not only can you look for riding clubs online, but you can also participate in any local cycle competition.

4. Consider Riding a Bicycle Across the Nation

In addition to burning calories, riding a bike may help you save money that might otherwise be spent on rail or airline tickets.

The TransAmerica Bike Route, Bike Nonstop US, and the Great American Rail Trail are a few fantastic routes to explore.

In order to tour the nation in your own unique style, you may even design your own routes.

Related: Road bike vs Mountain bike for Weightloss: Which one to pick?

5. Visit A Racetrack

Velodromes, often called track cycling, allow riders to improve their abilities and lose weight.

A person can prepare for either sprint or endurance events after completing their safety courses.

An endurance race concentrates on your ability and speed, whereas a sprint evaluates your strength and technique.

6. Specify your task

Three People cycling together.

It is not required of you to take part in a bicycle challenge or enter a race.

Alternatively, you might design your own at-home 30-day weight loss challenge. Hundreds of applications are available on the market to help you do that.

Virtual cycling challenges are available for both normal bikes and stationary bikes.

This is a fantastic Healthy Transformation YouTube video. He describes the outcomes of the 30-day riding challenge he set for himself.

Advice On Safety For Cyclists

When riding a bicycle, safety should always come first. It’s crucial to pay attention to your surroundings and abide by safety regulations when riding, whether you’re in a park or on a busy road. Here are a few pointers to remain put:

  • When cycling in poor light, always wear a helmet and utilize lights.
  • While riding on a road, abide by the traffic laws and signals.
  • Ensure that the brakes and tires on your bike are in proper operating order.
  • During long rides, drink plenty of water and apply sunscreen to your skin.

How to keep up with your new way of life

A man holding his bicycle in air.

It’s crucial to keep up your new, healthy lifestyle once you’ve met your weight reduction objectives. One component of your continuous exercise regimen might be riding. It’s not necessary to quit working out just because you’ve reached your goal weight. 

In order to maintain your weight and improve your general health, you must engage in regular physical exercise. The allure of cycling is that it’s a fun pastime you can engage in for the rest of your life. It matters not how much time you spend cycling—you should still be moving and eating well. You don’t have to stick to an hour-long regimen.

Most Common Errors To Avoid

Errors are common while beginning a new fitness regimen. While cycling to lose weight, keep an eye out for the following typical ones:

Overtraining: Getting enough rest for your body is just as vital as maintaining a regular riding schedule. Overtraining might impede your development and result in injuries.

Don’t change up your workouts: Try to switch up your cycling workouts to prevent your body from becoming used to the same activity. This may entail adjusting your course, pace, and level of effort.

Ignoring alternative types of exercise: Cycling is a fantastic aerobic workout, but for total health, you need also incorporate strength and flexibility training.

FAQs on Cycling Everyday for 1 Hour

1. How can I maintain my motivation to ride my bike?

In order to receive your recommended amount of exercise and to see some lovely new areas, you may change up your bike route if you really need help keeping motivated.

You may also establish objectives, which are a terrific way to give yourself something to look ahead to and stay inspired to keep cycling.

Rewarding oneself is possible once your objectives have been met.

To keep yourself motivated to reach your goal, you may, for instance, create a new objective to ride a little bit more each month.

2. Do I need to wear clothes made for bicycles?

Purchasing cycling-specific clothing is the best course of action if you’re serious about taking up riding.

Cycling apparel is made particularly to fit your riding style.

Additional support when riding is provided by the padding included into cycling shorts. While they offer support and traction on the pedals—particularly useful for long-distance riding—cycling shoes are also a wonderful investment.

Investing in comfortable yet functional apparel guarantees that you maximize your workout.

But, if you’re just getting started, you may wear whatever comfortable clothes you choose. Later on, if you want to improve, you can buy cycling-specific apparel.

3. Is riding a serious sport for me?

There is no requirement for cyclists to be avid riders with long endurance.
If you are cautious and take safety precautions, riding a bicycle may be enjoyed by everybody, regardless of fitness level.

4. Does riding a bike require me to wear a helmet?

You should never ride a bicycle without a helmet since they are very important.
Research has indicated that they not only shield the skull from harm but also considerably lower the frequency of head injuries.

Conclusion on Cycling for 1 Hour a Day

An entertaining and successful strategy to help your weight reduction objectives is to cycle for one hour a day. Your overall health and well-being are more important than just the weight you drop. Let’s cycle our way to a better, more fit version of ourselves, so grab your helmet and get on your bike!

Never forget to get medical advice before beginning a new fitness regimen. Although it may not be appropriate for everyone, this guide is meant to provide basic counsel.

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