Cycling for Weight Loss: How much cycling to lose weight in 2023

by | Aug 27, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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It’s true that riding a bicycle used to pique our curiosity so much when we were younger. We used to be very thrilled with it since it was so good. Connecting to the positive aspects of everything that appears challenging to us while working on it makes it more joyful.

As a result, we would learn the specifics of how much cycling to lose weight, how using cycling for weight loss is gonna work wonders for you, and much more. Indeed, I am aware that a lot of questions are already crossing your mind, so let’s get started.

What Benefits Does Cycling Have for Losing Weight? /How is Cycling Good for Weight Loss?

How to lose weight by cycling.
Image credit:

I mean, can you really think of any drawbacks to cycling as a weight loss method? Fortunately, there aren’t any. For weight loss, it is just as effective as any other workout.

For the most part, cycling is one of the happiest and most pleasurable forms of exercise; the only drawback is the potential for discomfort from prolonged riding.

Cycling burns calories, which helps you lose weight, making it one of the finest weight loss strategies. You’ll probably burn more calories when you cycle more, which will help you lose weight.

While losing weight might be difficult for some, there are a few basic steps you can take to make the process go more smoothly when you cycle to lose weight.

Is Cycling a Good Way to Lose Belly Fat?

Depiction of a child with belly fat.

Without a doubt, cycling may aid in the loss of belly fat, but it takes time. Research has indicated that consistent cycling aids in the reduction of body fat, and encourages maintenance of a healthy weight range.

As a result, cycling is a fantastic way to lose weight in your stomach and reduce belly fat. There are positive effects of cycling on body shape However, the issue is: How much cycling is necessary to reduce belly fat?

A healthy diet and 30 to 60 minutes of cycling are two efficient ways to raise good fat and decrease abdominal fat. It is comparable to physical activities like swimming, hiking, and jogging.

And now for the big query.

How Much Cycling Is Needed to Lose Weight? Time and Distance

The amount of weight you wish to reduce will determine this. One’s present weight and desired weight loss are the determining factors in this specific inquiry.

To get an estimate of how much cycling you will have to do in order to lose weight, you need to calculate how many calories you would burn in a day. Furthermore, you may just cycle as a workout after reaching your goal.

What is the calorie burn rate for 30 minutes of cycling?

Cycling is one form of physical exercise that burns calories, as is well known. There is a straightforward law that states that burning calories is directly correlated with how much energy you consume. The quicker you travel, the more calories you’re likely to burn since moving faster requires more energy from your body. Results could differ depending on the individual.

A person weighing 70 kg (155 pounds) may cycle for 30 minutes at a moderate pace of 19 to 22 km/h (12 to 13.9 mph) and burn 298 calories, according to Harvard University. A rider of the same weight who accelerates to 22.5 to 25.5 kmph (14 to 15.9 mph) will burn 372 calories.

How can cycling aid with weight loss?

It facilitates your body’s burning of calories, which aids in weight loss. However, riding a bicycle at a very slow speed only to kill time or even for enjoyment can make you very sluggish. The intensity of your cycling must be increased, though, if you want to see benefits more quickly.

How many miles should I ride in order to get in shape?

An Illustration of a person before and after a weight loss.

According to research from the Harvard Health Letter, cycling at a pace of 12 to 13.9 miles per hour (about 19 to 22 kilometers per hour) may burn 298 calories in 30 minutes for a person weighing 155 pounds (about 70 kilograms).

Therefore, it is up to you how far you cycle to reduce weight. Each day, you could ride for around 20 kilometers in an hour. Over time, you can also raise this. And it will take you less time to reach your objective.

Related: Cycling 20 Miles a day for Weight Loss.

What is the ideal time to ride a bike to lose weight?

Numerous studies have shown that cycling in the morning on an empty stomach (without eating breakfast) can help us lose weight by 20% more quickly and efficiently. It follows that riding a bike in the morning is ideal. It will also provide you a boost of energy for the day and your hectic schedule.

6 Cycling Tips on How to Lose Weight with Cycling

Here are some of the cycling tips that you should follow if you aim to reduce your weight with the help riding a bicycle.

#1. Don’t attempt to bike at an extremely high intensity right away.

The first and most crucial thing to remember when starting something new is that you shouldn’t hurry. Avoid attempting to ride a bicycle at an excessively high speed for an extended distance. On the contrary, raise it steadily. Cycling should begin with a shorter distance at a moderate pace and low effort, and it should then be gradually increase to achieve average cycling speed.

#2. Monitor your own performance

Tracking is only one of the many things you need to be aware of. Remember to maintain track; else, all of your hard effort would have been in vain. I can’t stress this point enough.

Keeping track of your progress, calories burned, distance cycled, and cycling intensity may provide you with valuable information and an accurate assessment of your current state of fitness.

You can find monitoring applications on the specific app stores you use such as android’s play store & apple’s app store, or for a simpler experience, you might get a tracking device or smartwatch.

#3. Be mindful of your nutrition and diet

An image showing a balanced diet.

When you’re simply riding and not giving any two thoughts to your diet, and you’re just eating whatever that makes you feel good. Do you believe you’ll get the desired outcome from following such a pattern? You would be entirely accurate if you believe that the answer is no. It will not.

Foods high in protein should be your preference and you should limit your intake of sugar and butter. There are several programs available that can track the calories in the food you consume throughout the day and make meal recommendations based on the number of calories you would require. This is useful if you feel that planning your diet is too difficult for you and you are unsure of the ideal approach.

Related: Is it okay to cycle after a meal?

#4. Cycling uphill can help to lose weight.

A cyclist riding his bicycle uphill.

Once you’ve reached the point where you can no longer ride at a reasonable pace, you should start driving more quickly. Try riding on the higher slope if you like. It would work out to be far more efficient. In addition to being intriguing and entertaining, driving up would require more muscle and energy, burning more calories in a shorter amount of time.

#5. To perform better, maintain the proper posture.

A cyclist demonstrating the correct posture of cycling.

You would have severe back pain if you did not get this properly even though you followed all the instructions. Not only does back pain exist, but so does discomfort in several other bodily regions. The maintenance of proper posture is crucial when cycling. It would not be desirable to turn what you enjoy into an unpleasant experience by overlooking a small detail.

#6. Cross-training

Few People training at an cross fit gym.

Try cross-training if you’re not good at sticking to one exercise. Alternating between activities is an excellent way to add diversity to your training.

For example, you might ride your bike for a large distance outside one day, and then go to the gym the next day to work out with weights.

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) states that cycling at a moderately vigorous level for at least 30 minutes at a time is necessary for weight loss. Longer cycling can help you burn even more calories.

To accelerate weight reduction, ACE also recommends mixing two exercises within a single cross-training session. You may, for instance, attempt riding a bike for twenty to thirty minutes, followed by another twenty minutes of action.

Options for biking

Whenever it comes to cycling, there are many options available, so it’s simple to select the one that best meets your requirements and tastes. Here are a few of the most well-liked indoor and outdoor cycling choices.


A few people riding a spinning bike at a gym.

Do you like working out inside? Here are two options for riding a bike inside:

On your own, ride a stationary bike. With a stationary bike, which you can ride at home or in a gym, you can receive a fantastic, personalized exercise. You may adjust the pace, intensity, and length of your workout with a plethora of programmable settings.

Spinning. This might be an excellent option if you need someone to motivate you to finish your workout. Additionally, compared to ordinary bicycle riding, Research shows that spinning is equally as efficient at transforming your physique and enhancing your physical fitness.

Handcycle. For an aerobic workout that burns calories, a handcycle could be the perfect option if you are unable to utilize a standard stationary bike. Instead of using your legs to power this gadget, you use your arms.

If you choose this course of action, you will need to ensure that you have accessibility to a stationary bike or handcycle. Try signing up for a gym or community center membership if you don’t have any personal exercise equipment.

Related: 18 tips on lose Weight with Indoor Cycling.


A group cyclist riding together in the evening on an empty road.

Road riding, mountain biking, and trail biking are among your choices if you’d rather ride your bike outside. It is even better, consider riding your bike to work or running errands on your bike instead of driving your car.

However, it can’t happen just once. If you want to use riding as a weight loss workout, you need to include it into your routine on a regular basis.

Numerous applications allow you to keep track of your distance or intensity. Keeping track of your fitness progress with an app might also keep you motivated to meet your objectives.

Only drawback of riding a bike outside  is that it requires you to take extra safety procedures to keep yourself safe. It can be less safe to ride an outdoor bicycle than an indoor bicycle under wet, slippery, or uneven road conditions, hot, humid weather, and unexpected traffic patterns.

Related: Road vs Mountain bike for weight loss: Which one to pick?

How to cycle safely

Safe cycling Tips.

There are hazards associated with cycling, particularly when it’s done outside. Make sure you abide by these safety tips when riding a bike to keep safe:

  • Put on a helmet. It should go without saying that if you are in an accident or fall, a helmet will protect your head and brain. Make sure your head fits it snugly. Optimally, choose a helmet with a vivid color that is noticeable to onlookers.
  • Travel in single file. Let one individual take the lead if you prefer bicycling with others. The follower needs to give some room between things.
  • Keep on the right side of the road when riding. Ideally, you should cycle in the same direction as oncoming traffic. Make sure you ride on the right side of the road when cycling in the United States, Canada, and other nations where automobiles drive on the right.
  • Make use of hand signals. Inform other road users and vehicles that you intend to turn or take other action.
  • Give up using gadgets. Avoid using headphones or anything else that might make it harder for you to hear other cars nearby.
  • Watch out for any road dangers. Be alert for potential dangers such as potholes, standing water, uneven ground, and others that might pose a threat.
  • Maintain your bicycle. Maintaining regular maintenance & spot checks to ensure that the brakes, wheels, chains, and other components are in excellent operating order can help you maintain your bike in top shape.

Downside of biking to lose weight

  • There is no overcoming a poor diet.
  • Compared to burning, you are refueling more often.
  • Over time, you adjust and start burning less calories.
  •  The myth of the fat-burning zone.

Related: Cycling vs Gym: Which is Better?

Frequently Asked Questions: Biking For Weight Loss/ Common Questions: Using Bicycling to Lose Weight

1. Why choose cycling for weight loss?

Compared to other forms of exercise, cycling has a few benefits. It burns a lot of calories effectively, you can choose your own timings, and you don’t need to purchase a membership to any gym.

2. How many hours of cycling to lose 1kilo of weight?

It’s easy to lose one kilogram of weight if you cycle for an hour every day for fifteen days in a constant manner. Learn more.

3. Do you need a premium or special bicycle for weight loss?

Although you might begin with your current bike, if you intend to get a new bike for weight loss and have a substantial budget, investing in a bike with sturdy grips and other essential components will be beneficial and efficient for your weight loss efforts.

4. Can 1-hour cycling lose weight?

Yes, riding regularly for an hour a day can help you lose weight. An guy weighing 81 kg (180-pounds) will probably burn around 650 calories over an hour of normal riding. Thus, it’s a highly economical and efficient approach to burn fat and calories.

5. How many hours of cycling to lose 10 kg of weight?

With a balanced diet and frequent cycling, one kilogram of weight may usually be lost in a week. Therefore, it can take 10 to 12 weeks to lose 10 kg of weight. From person to person, it could change because everyone has a unique metabolism. learn more.

6. How many hours of cycling to lose 5 kg of weight?

In general, burning 8000 calories is necessary to lose 1 kilogram of weight. It could need a week. In the same way, burning 40000 calories (8000 × 5) is required to lose 5 kg, and it can take 4 to 6 weeks.

Final Thoughts on How Much Cycling to Lose Weight

Maintaining or losing weight is crucial if you want the weight to stay off. One of the best ways to lose weight is to cycle. Increase the intensity of your cycling session and stick to a healthy diet to get the most out of your fat-burning conversion.

If you are sick or haven’t worked out in a while, it might not be safe for you to work out on a bike. Thus, before you bike, speak with your physician.

When accurately and consistently used, all the information contained in this blog post “cycling for weight loss” will work for you. You can also reach out to someone you would consider a mentor if you feel that you need extra assistance and guidance from professionals.

If you approach it this way, everything you do will be more effective and you will be able to improve your life without being too hard on yourself. See it as a component of making your life more exciting and better.

Bike riding is one of the greatest and least expensive ways to reduce weight, so tell your friends about this post.



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