18 Tips to Lose Weight With Indoor Cycling

by | Aug 29, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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Indoor cycling is unquestionably a fantastic option if reducing overall weight or just belly fat is your primary objective.

No matter what your objective is for managing your weight, exercise most certainly has to be included. A longer-lasting weight reduction strategy may be achieved by exercising since it will help you maintain muscle mass, which is better for your body.

In addition to increasing your body’s metabolism—the process by which calories are burned—in a 45-minute lesson, indoor cycling aids in burning 400–600 calories. Your glutes, core, and entire leg muscles may all be toned and strengthened with it.

Indoor riding can aid in weight loss, but strolling on a bike outside is unlikely to have a major impact. To maximize the benefits of an indoor cycling regimen, it is important to follow certain fundamental guidelines regarding diet and exercise. What you should know about incorporating indoor cycling into your weight loss strategy is provided below.

By increasing your heart rate, maintaining a healthy calorie deficit, strengthening your core, and accelerating your metabolism, indoor cycling can help your body become an efficient fat-burning engine.

I’ve been quite devoted to indoor cycling for the past ten years or so, and in this piece, I’ll give you my top 15 recommendations to you to lose weight with indoor cycling to reduce belly fat.

18 Tips to Lose Weight with Indoor Cycling

1. At least cycle thrice every week

A cyclist riding his red road bike using flat pedals.

You should consider both a weekly and longer-term strategy in order to maximize the benefits of your sessions.

You won’t get large benefits from only one single indoor cycling session per week.

Then, how many sessions is the ideal answer?

Well, three times a week is the very least that you should aim for.

Cycling Weekly states that “you should ideally be riding your bike every two to three days to keep progressing and improving your fitness.” Three rides a week is the bare minimum you can do and yet see noticeable fitness improvements. (Reference)

You may greatly speed up your metabolism by cycling three or more times a week.

Additionally, this is the time when the health benefits of endurance and cardiac exercise truly start to show.

These two items go a long way toward reducing body fat!

“Ideally, you should be riding your bike every two to three days to maintain growing and progressing with your fitness… Three rides a week is the bare minimum you can do and yet see noticeable fitness improvements.

2. If you can, commit to 6 times weekly bike rides.

Three stationary bike next to each other in a gym.

When beginning indoor cycling for fat & weight loss, many individuals want a genuine challenge. It’s a good idea to attempt riding every day for a month, with only one day off in between.

With a rest day, why?

It is generally acknowledged by health professionals that taking at least one day off each week has several advantages. Your body rebuilds and recovers more quickly with it, and the chance of damage is reduced. (Reference)

One day of relaxation is just as crucial as the days spent working out, in many respects.

Thus, treat yourself to a day off. On the other hand, you really put fuel on your ambitions if you can ride every day aside from that!

Daily cycling activates all of the advantages of indoor cycling, including:

  • Heart
  • The rise in metabolism
  • Sustaining a deficit in calories
  • Burning fat on body
  • Change in Body Shape.

An additional benefit I’ve discovered is that it becomes simpler every day. Not only are your body and mind more prepared for the event, but you also exhibit less mental resistance.

3. Interval Training

Depiction of interval training.

The next step is to consider how to really execute the amount of indoor riding you have decided to undertake.

Interval training is something you should include in your workouts. While it’s OK to cycle at a single, steady rate for the duration of a session, the benefits greatly increase if you alternate between rapid and slow bursts.

By dividing your workout into sprints—high and low resistance—and relatively low-intensity intervals, you may do interval training.

As your experience continues, you’ll be able to:

  • Extend the sprints.
  • Increase the intensity of the sprints’ pace.
  • Up the number of times you sprint.

Note: Interestingly, interval training can increase your calorie expenditure by up to 30% even if you ride the same distance in the same amount of time as someone else at a steady pace.

4. Include Climbs in Your Workouts

Another technique to really kick things up in your practice is to make it seem like a bike climb.

Setting the resistance significantly higher is the simplest method to do this. For a certain amount of time, ranging from 30 to 2 minutes, cycle at this level. Then, reduce it once again for a brief interval of low intensity.

All along your session, switch up these intervals.

This will surely occur if you attend a scheduled spin class. Watching courses online is an option if you ride your bike by yourself at home. You can find a ton of really effective free riding sessions on YouTube.

5. Step Away From The Saddle

Getting out of the saddle is another effective method for burning belly fat. This offers a few advantages.

It makes riding weight-bearing. Any workout that requires you to maintain your body weight with your legs is considered weight-bearing.

Cycling isn’t really weight-bearing when you’re seated because the saddle supports your weight.

Lifting weights for short periods of time is beneficial since it works your glutes and legs more. This significantly aids in increasing fat burning and the burn in these muscles.

Once your confidence with indoor spinning grows, you may truly try a wide variety of riding positions. Kayleigh Cohen Cycling has a great video on YouTube that walks you through the fundamental postures you may employ.

6. Maintain A Calorie Deficit Throughout The Week

Maintaining a weekly calorific deficit is one thing that frequent indoor riding truly helps with. In terms of losing weight and reducing abdominal fat, this is actually the most crucial factor.

You will burn between 300–600 calories throughout your indoor cycling workouts.

Generally speaking, you should be below your maintenance calorie limit in order to lose weight.

To maintain their weight, men need, on average, 2500 calories a day. This equates to about 2000 calories for women.

If a woman normally consumes 2000 calories a day, but burns 500 calories during a cycle class, she will have actually consumed just 1500 calories total. With a 500-calorie deficit, she will be on the verge of losing some weight.

Just keep in mind that although indoor cycling can significantly reduce your daily calorie intake, food discipline is still necessary.

7.  Cycle In A Fasted State

You should consider your diet carefully if you want to lose weight more effectively.

Cycling while fasting is one such experiment to try.

The carbs in the meal you eat are burned by your body when you cycle after eating.

But if you fast for a while—even for 12 hours—before cycling, your workout will burn through the carbs and begin to burn fat in your body.

Such a kind of fasting may seem difficult, but if you can cycle in the morning, it’s not that difficult. Without fail, if you skip breakfast, you will probably be cycling 12–16 hours after your previously last meal.

It is simpler to burn carbs, and if our bodies have some, they will naturally be used first. They can’t begin burning fat immediately unless you are devoid of carbohydrates.

8. Estimating The Number of Calories to burn

For many, this is the most important question: how many calories can you burn in a spin session?

A 45-minute indoor cycling workout should result in calorie burns of between 300–600. Various factors will be considered in determining the precise figure, including:

  • How old are you?
  • How physically fit you are.
  • The session’s degree of intensity.
  • Incorporating interval sprints and high resistance exercises into your workout regimen.

9. Combine Safe Eating With Indoor Cycling

An image showing a balanced diet.

Indoor cycling must be combined with a nutritious diet in order to yield significant advantages. Your diet actually has the most impact on how much belly fat you lose.

You should concentrate on the following areas of your diet, especially if losing abdominal fat is your main objective:

  • Consume foods high in fiber, such as berries and sprouts.
  • Consume foods high in protein, such as chicken and fish.
  • Eat less sweet stuff.
  • Don’t eat processed food.
  • Steer clear of booze

To reduce belly fat, eat the following food kinds and stay away from the following:

10. Manage Your Carbohydrate Needs

When it comes to cycling and cardio, carbohydrates are an interesting meal.

To ride at your best, you do need carbohydrates. Reducing your carb intake, however, can help you lose weight since your body will begin burning fat instead of carbohydrates.

Cutting less on carbohydrates is a straightforward strategy, especially on rest days. In any case, carbohydrates will be burned off naturally on riding days.

For the best outcomes, I discovered this amazing video from the Road Cycling Academy if you want to get very in-depth. When they talk with a nutritionist, she provides them with a cycle and carb balance plan that will help them lose weight and perform at their best:

1. Enroll in a class, online or in person

A few people riding a spinning bike at a gym.

Joining a class might be a wonderful choice for you if you want extra motivation and a sense of accountability.

In most gyms, spinning courses are quite popular, and there are even virtual options available.

There are several advantages to taking a spin class, such as:

  • Use the mindset of the herd as inspiration.
  • Acquire the appropriate skills
  • Include hills and interval training in your bike as a session component.
  • Responsibility!

12. Use Spin in Addition to Resistance Training

In addition to indoor cycling, there are additional fast wins you might think about if you’re serious about losing belly fat.

Including some resistance exercise in your routine is crucial.

Lifting weights or engaging in other form of  resistance training is an excellent way to tone your muscles. Additionally, as your body regrows and heals itself, you will burn more fat throughout the day.

Before this, indoor cycling may be an excellent warm-up as well.

13. Indoor cycling lessens fat accumulation in critical places.

It’s important to remember that fat loss does not occur proportionately throughout the entire body.

Individuals typically begin their weight loss journey by targeting a certain location, which is often their core.

Here, gender has a rather significant role. Women typically start losing weight in the hip and buttock regions. (Reference)

However, men often lose weight in the areas of their core and trunk.

That means that any weight lost by guys who cycle inside may help reduce their abdominal fat. It’s important for women to remember that this body area might not be the first to be attacked.

14. While cycling, perform crunches or leans.

During a session, cycling engages your core to some level. Maintaining proper posture and balance requires constant activation of your core muscles.

But you can really enhance this by include core-focused motions in your workout. These consist of:

Cycling with a little lean to one side and then the other, especially during sprints.

Another great position for sprints is to lean forward and back as if you were performing sit-ups.

These sorts of motions are used into many spin courses. In terms of toning your core, they are really the icing on the cake.

15. Increasing Your Metabolism with Indoor Cycling

Performing indoor cycling on a regular basis might increase your metabolism. In other words, even when you’re sleeping, you’ll be burning more fat. (Reference)

For some people, this may be a really interesting source of inspiration. Not only do you lose weight when you work out, but the benefits last all day.

16. Divide Up Your Training

Engage in two 25-minute solo sessions if you lack the time for a 45-minute cycling class; the combined effort will burn an equivalent amount of calories as one lengthier class. 

In a shorter session, you could even challenge yourself more, burning more calories. Any manner you choose, you will experience the double-day after-burn effect, which will enable you to burn more calories in a 24-hour period.

We’ve examined and studied the top virtual cycling courses. Look into which choice would be ideal for you if you’re looking to enroll in an online course.

17. Vary Your Exercise Routines

If you cycle the same way every day, your body will become accustomed to it and you won’t see the same increase in metabolism as you did at first. 

To encourage your body to burn calories more quickly during and after a workout, switch up your ride styles and intensities on a regular basis. 

These variations should include endurance, strength, interval, and race-oriented rides. (Reference)

18. Continue Moving

After a rigorous riding exercise, don’t allow yourself to spend the remainder of the day curled up on the sofa. 

If you follow through on this, you will ultimately jeopardize both your weight-loss aim and the calorie-burning qualities of your cycling routine. 

Reducing weight by moving more is a superior strategy.

Conclusion on Losing Weight with Indoor Cycling

Getting fit and burning calories may be achieved by engaging in indoor cycling. Pay close attention to your diet both before and after your rides if you want to maximize the benefits of your exercise and make progress toward your weight control goals.

Along with these tips, you should follow your diet plan, switch up your workouts, and stay active throughout the day. Before making significant changes to your food and exercise routine, see a healthcare professional, such as a licensed dietitian, if you are new to exercising and managing your weight.

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