Best Electric cycle Brands in India: Updated list of 2024

by | Aug 20, 2023 | Electric Bicycle

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Electric bicycles are growing popular in India, which is why new e-cycle manufacturers are joining the market with various types of electric cycles in 2024, providing a wide range of e-bike options to people looking to purchase a new e-bike.

As a result, choosing the proper brand and model from so many alternatives can be difficult and overwhelming. We conducted extensive market research and identified the top five best electric cycle brands in India, whose e-bikes can be found on Indian roads.

This post will inform you about the best e-bike companies, price ranges, and top-selling models, as well as some crucial faqs.

Here is our list of the top five electric cycle manufacturers in the India.

Top 7 Best Electric Cycle Brands in India

Now we’ll look at the top five electric cycle companies in India.

1. EMotorad: Ideal for e-bike fans.

e motorad x factor model bike image

For many years, EMotorad (EM) has been a well-known manufacturer of high-end electric bicycles in the EV industry. Its selection of electric bikes is made to satisfy consumers’ demands and offer a distinctive riding experience. Their reasonably priced e-bikes are perfect for daily commuting and adventurous adventures.

Furthermore, EMotarad e-bikes are outfitted with innovative equipment and technology that allow them to produce less noise while riding, which is why they are the top electric bicycle manufacturers in India.

Another aspect that makes EMotorad’s electric cycles appealing is their low operating costs. EMotorad electric cycles, with their Pedal Assist feature, provide users with better control of their bikes and a unique riding experience adapted to their preferences.

Related: Are you looking for an electric bicycle under ten thousand rupees in India? Everything You Need to Know!

According to their website, the price range of EMotarad e-bikes starts at 30,000 INR and goes up to lacs.

2. Motovolt (MV): In India, an affordable electric bicycle brand.

motovolt kivo model bike image

Motovolt (MV) provides high-quality smart e-bikes with numerous innovative features. As a result, MV is one of the greatest electric bicycle manufacturers in India and around the world.

The electric bikes made by Motovolt have strong motors that can reach speeds of up to 25 kmph. Additionally, their electric bikes include a special pedal-assist technology that makes it simple for users to change the intensity of their ride.

Motovolt electric cycles include sophisticated electric bicycle parts such as lithium-ion batteries and regenerative brakes, which help to cut operating expenses.

Read more: How to Charge E-Bike Battery without a Charger?

Motovolt’s electric cycles are an excellent alternative if you want an environmentally responsible, convenient, and economical mode of transportation. They have many sorts of e-bikes that you may choose from based on your needs.

Motovolt electric bikes give a unique riding experience and allow users to go longer distances in less time. According to Motovolt’s official website, its pricing range begins at 25,000 INR and ends at around 60,000 INR.

3. Hero Lectro: India’s Coolest Electric Cycles

hero lectro bike image with hero electric logo

One of the best electric bicycle brands in India is Hero Lectro, a branch of Hero Cycles. Their e-bikes are well-engineered and constructed with technology, as well as have the most extensive supply chain in the Indian cycle market (both offline and online).

This firm has transformed the personal transportation sector by providing commuter and cargo e-bikes with innovative features and ergonomic designs at affordable rates.

One of Hero Lectro’s best electric bikes can travel up to 25 kmph (15 mph) without the need for pedaling—all on a single charge.

The bikes they made are one-of-a-kind, with features such as a BLDC motor, four riding modes, an RFID key, Bluetooth connectivity, LED headlamps, an LCD display (which displays information such as speed, distance, and battery level), suspension, an engineered ergonomic design, multi-speed gears, and an IP67 water repellent battery.

More here: 10 Best Gear Cycle Brands in India 2023 – Trusted by Professional Cyclists!

As a result, the Hero Lectro stands out from the crowd due to its long motor life and great efficiency. This brand’s e-bikes are an excellent alternative for individuals looking for a dependable and effective mode of transportation, and it is regarded as one of the greatest electric cycle manufacturers in India.

Hero Lectro Electric Cycles are priced between 25000 and 120000 rupees (according to the Hero Lectro website).

4. Toutche (Heileo): Provides the most appealing and cool e-bikes.

toutche heileo bike image with logo

Toutche (Heileo) provides a variety of electric cycles built for daily journeys in cities and towns, giving users a one-of-a-kind riding experience. They have superior components and creative features including suspension, hydraulic disc brakes, multi-speed gears, and a changeable battery with two options (60 km & 80 km).

For your convenience, Heileo electric bikes come with an 18-month guarantee on the battery and motor. They offer excellent after-sales service if anything on your electric bicycle fails.

Because of their cutting-edge technology, unique features, attractive colors, and patterns, Toutche electric cycles are suitable for anyone looking for an environmentally sustainable, practical, and cost-effective form of transportation.

5. Bikes by Geekay

Geekay hashtag city joy bike image

Geekay Bikes is one of India’s best-known electric bicycle brands. It offers a variety of models, including trikes, foldable cycles, and regular bikes. It also provides accessories such as lights and helmets. Geekay bikes have a variety of distinguishing features that set them distinct from other electric bicycles on the market.

Geekay bikes, for example, include integrated LED lights that let you ride at night or in dimly lit regions without the need for extra lighting. Geekay bikes also come with a number of safety measures, such as anti-theft locks.

Hashtag Electric, Eco Bike Max, Eco Bike Pro, Eco Bike Lit, and other popular Geekay e-bike series 

6. Nexzu: Fastest-growing electric cycle brand in India

Nexzu bazing bike image

Nexzu Mobility is an innovative electric bicycle brand in India that offers a number of models adapted to the needs of its customers. The twin battery system, cold rolled steel frame, and replaceable battery are just a few of the creative and one-of-a-kind characteristics offered by their electric cycles.

Because of its dual battery technology, the e-bike can travel up to 100 kilometers between charges. Nexzu e-bikes feature front suspension for comfort, two disc brakes for great stopping power, and a variety of other features. They also offer a revolutionary pedal assist system that allows riders to select the level of difficulty of their ride. 

They provide two types of electric bikes: commuting and freight e-bikes, both with superior technology, durable frames, and distinctive designs. As a result, the e-bicycle is an excellent solution for quick, cost-effective, and ecologically responsible transportation.

The company offers e-bikes such as the Nezxu Roadlark, Bazinga, and Rompus Plus.

Nexzu e-bikes are priced between 30,000 and 50,000 INR (according to

7. TruBike electric bike image

TruBike, an Indian electric bicycle company, has made a name for itself in the domestic market. Its cutting-edge ideas have transformed the e-bicycle business. The company’s goods include e-bikes, e-mobility vehicles, and premium alloy kids’ cycles. Their products demonstrate their dedication to quality. The majority of Indian electric bicycle producers do not export their products. TruBike, on the other hand, sells its products to customers all over the world, making quality e-bikes affordable to everyone.

The Tru 2.0 and Tru 2.0 Pro are the most popular Tru e-bikes. 

Related: Best Electric Bicycles in India For Commuting.

The Advantages of Electric Bicycles in India

best electric cycle brands in india - a girl riding a orange foldable maxfcot e-bike.

Electric Bicycles have been the talk of the town in India, and are thus gaining popularity due to the numerous benefits of e-bikes. They are an economical and environmentally benign method of transportation, provide tremendous health benefits, and are simple to use. Electric cycles are also beneficial to the Indian environment.

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Advantages of riding electric bikes in India (5 major advantages):

1. The most affordable means of transportation

Electric bicycles are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly means of transportation that is significantly less expensive than cars and gasoline scooters. They are also more energy-efficient than electric cars because they require less electricity to charge and require less maintenance. As a result, they are an excellent choice for anyone trying to save money on fuel and transportation.

2. Enhances health

Electric bicycles are a terrific way to get some exercise while also getting some support. This sort of exercise improves cardiovascular health, builds strong legs, aids in weight loss, and has the ability to alleviate stress an overall has only positive effect on body fitness.

3. Outstanding for environmental protection

Electric bikes are environmentally friendly since they emit no hazardous gases or pollutants. This contributes to reduced air pollution and improved air quality in the environment (India).

4. Simple to operate and ride

Electric bicycles are simple to operate, lightweight, and do not require a license to ride if the motor power is less than 250w. This makes them ideal for city and town commuting.

5. Practical (requires less space)

Electric bicycles are extremely convenient because they are easy to store and can be used for a range of purposes, ranging from commuting to leisure activities.

Frequently Asked Questions: Best Electric Cycle Manufacturers in India

Q1. Are electric cycles worthwhile to purchase in India?

Yes, electric bicycles are a good investment, not only for environmental reasons but also because they are fun to ride and last a long time. Continue reading by scrolling up.

Q2. What are the starting pricing for electric cycles in India?

There are various electric cycles available in India, with prices starting at 25,000 rupees. And Hero Lectro and Motovolt have various e-bikes in this price range.

Q3. What is the cheapest electric bicycle in India?

Hero Lectro Electric is the most economical and amazing bicycle in India, with many outstanding features, and has become the most popular brand among Indian men.

Q4. What is the price range for Toutche Electric Bikes?

According to reports, Toutche Electric Bikes are the best electric bike brand in India, with prices ranging from Rs 45000 to Rs 60000.

Conclusion: The Best Electric Cycle Brands in India

I hope your hunt for the best electric cycle brands in India has come to an end. In India, we now have long-distance commuting e-bikes, cargo electric bicycles for delivery, and folding e-bikes for short commutes with only 250w hub motors.

So, don’t waste any time and acquire an electric bicycle from any of the e-cycle manufacturers in India listed above to join the movement to save our environment while also saving your hard-earned money on transportation.

Thank you for sticking with me until the end. By commenting below, please share your valuable ideas or recommend any more great e-bike brands that I have not mentioned in my list of electric bicycle brands in India. You can also contact me for any further queries.

Until then, keep riding and staying safe.

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