25 Cycling Tips For Beginners in India: You Should must know

by | Aug 25, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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Bicycling in India is an excellent method to see the country’s sights. We are all aware of the advantages of cycling. It is a fantastic way to get in shape, it is better for the environment, and it will save you money on your commute.

However, when cycling in India, it is critical to prioritize safety. With the proper equipment, knowledge of local traffic rules, and a few riding suggestions, you can ensure a safe and fun cycling journey in India.

Here are a few cycling tips for novices in India to keep in mind.

In India, Here are 25 cycling tips for beginners in India.

Get the Fundamentals Right:

1. Choose the correct size and type of bicycle

You must choose a bicycle with the correct frame size for you. The recommended rider height will be plainly stated in most online retailers. There are also several sizing tables available online to assist you in selecting the correct bicycle frame size for your height.

In addition to that, spend some time reading about the many kinds of bicycles and how they might be used. This will assist you in deciding which one is best for you. You can also check out my guide on how to buy a bicycle for adults to learn more about getting a perfect bike for yourself.

RELATED POST: how to assemble a bike step by step at home. so you can purchase your bike online without worrying about the assembly.

2. Maintain proper posture and seat height.

A cyclist demonstrating the correct posture of cycling.

Having the proper posture at the start of the day will ensure that you enjoy your rides. More significantly, you avoid injury when riding your bicycle. This has two crucial implications.

The height of the handlebars on your bicycle should approximately correspond with the height of the saddle. However, feel free to alter it slightly higher or lower to suit your needs.

Most individuals make a mistake with saddle height. In a blog article, it is difficult to convey the process of determining the proper height. The video below will help you better understand the concept.

What to Shop or Not?

3. Avoid going into a shopping frenzy.

This is the exciting part. This is something I am frequently guilty of. When you start a new activity, the first thing you want to do is get all the fancy and expensive tools available. I know it’s tempting for you to go shopping.

However, I strongly advise you to stick to the essentials. I’ve included a few items you should get when you first start.

4. Purchase the necessary tools

A cyclist wearing all the red clothing and red bicycle accessories.


This is an absolute requirement. Wear a helmet everywhere you go riding. It is more about developing a habit and exercising discipline. Also, do not purchase a cheap helmet. If you want to save money, go somewhere else. Purchase a less expensive bicycle or refrain from purchasing more tools for the time being. However, invest the money and get the greatest helmet available from a reputed brand. Check out my selection of the Best Cycling Helmets in India.

Read More: Why you should always wear a helmet?


If you intend to commute by car, remember to purchase eyewear that covers your full eye. The glasses should be snug against your face and there should be no air passing through.

I wouldn’t recommend wearing your regular sunglasses, but having something is preferable to wearing nothing at all.


You don’t need them if you’re only going to ride your bike for a few minutes every day to stay in shape. If you intend to commute, though, invest in some decent padded shorts. This will prevent you from experiencing a lot of agony and soreness on your bottoms. For additional information, see my article on the Best Cycling Shorts in India.

Your Bike’s Lock

Maintain the safety of your bicycle. Purchase a lock that is as well-made as your helmet. If the lock can be readily unlocked with another key/scissors or cut in 10 minutes, the entire function of the lock is defeated. Do you believe me? Examine how simple it is for a child to open your bicycle lock.

If you intend to ride at night, bring visibility equipment.

If you intend to ride at night, keep the following guidelines in mind: Be as noticeable as possible; the same goes for your bicycle.

  • Purchase high-quality bicycle reflectors and maintain them clean.
  • Make use of bicycle lights – here is a list of the Best Bicycle Lights in India.
  • Make use of reflective jerseys or coats.
  • Your helmet should have reflectors.

Pay Attention to Your Body:

5. Don’t go all out on the first, second, or even third day.

A man holding his bicycle in air.

If you are just starting or returning to cycling after a lengthy absence, don’t go out and exhaust yourself on the first day. Allow your body to adjust to the entire procedure. Take a week to see how your body reacts to a certain route, then step it up a notch.

Cycling has positive effects on the body but Doing too much, too quickly will only result in injury.

6. Always keep some food and water on hand.

Make it a habit to carry a little bag with you at all times. At the very least, eat something. Something as simple as a banana or a protein snack will suffice. Bring a bottle of water with you. When you take a break, drink some water. This will keep your body hydrated and energized.

Utilize the Proper Techniques/Tools:

7. Make use of gears as needed.

A bicycle drivetrain and a derailleur.

This is a common rookie error. You bought a bike with a lot of gears, and you started shifting them even though it wasn’t necessary. Or you ride on the wrong terrain with the wrong equipment. Gears are designed to make your ride more pleasant, so spend some time learning how gears operate and how to get the most out of them.

You may also like: Difference between gear & non gear cycle?

8. Use your brakes sparingly.

The key to utilizing the proper amount of brake is to focus when riding your bike. You can simply plan how to use your brakes based on the terrain, traffic, and other factors in front of you. This means you won’t have to slow down and expend energy to get back up to speed.

Watch the video below for braking hints and the secret to using both brakes.

Read More: Hydraulics vs Mechanical Disc Brake: Which is Better?

9. Avoid using sling bags. 

Get a nice back-friendly backpack or a saddle bag.

Sling bags are the worst method to transport your belongings on a bike. There are numerous issues with them.

It puts strain on your back and may result in damage.

They throw you off balance and make it tough to ride your bike with precise control.

Backpacks with excellent back support are the ideal choice for India. You can use bicycle saddles, but I’m concerned about theft on Indian roadways.

First and foremost, safety:

11. Avoid riding with headphones:

A person using his headphones while sitting on his bicycle.

I’m sure you’re aware of this. I will, however, discuss it. I notice a lot of cyclists cycling with earphones. This is risky; please do not attempt it if you care about yourself. You are preventing your most crucial sense organ from performing its function. Always maintain vigilance and ride safely.

12. Obey traffic laws.

An Image showing all the traffic signals

I know several friends who merely wanted to ride their bikes to work so they could ride on the sidewalks. I’m sure many of you reading this are doing it as well. You may claim that a large number of individuals do this (or violate any of the other well-known traffic laws) – However, I will reiterate: follow all of the regulations. One person at a time, make India a better place to ride/drive, and don’t run a red light follow all traffic rules.

13. Do not compete with other road vehicles (especially autorickshaws).

Woah! This is far too risky. Please refrain from engaging in such an action. Adrenalin has a tendency of getting the best of us. But keep in mind that you only have one life to live.

14. Be ready for Indian rains.

If you live in a rainy region, please bring some rain gear with you. Always use caution when cycling on flooded roadways. When in doubt, simply follow a vehicle’s track from a safe distance. You will be able to avoid a pothole in good time.

Remember that if your bicycle lacks disc brakes, your braking performance will suffer as soon as the rims become wet. So, don’t ride too quickly.

Maintain your bike, but be ready for the worst:

15. Maintain your bicycle on a regular basis.

A person repairing the groupset of a bike.

It is critical to maintain and service your bicycle on a regular basis in order to keep it in good functioning order. Here are a few cycling maintenance hacks to keep in mind when servicing your bike.

  • Inflate the tires to the specified pressure after checking the tire pressure.
  • Check the brakes to ensure they are in good operating order.
  • Examine the chain and gears for wear or damage.
  • Examine the frame and wheels for damage.
  • Use a high-quality lubricant to lubricate the chain and gears.

These basic cycling recommendations can assist you in maintaining your bicycle and ensuring a safe and pleasurable ride.

16. Always keep a toolkit, compact toolkit, and spare tubes on hand.

If you’re planning a short trip with your buddies, these tools will come in helpful. With the correct equipment, you can fix problems like flat tires in a matter of minutes.

I hope you found my post about Cycling Tips for Beginners in India useful. If you have any suggestions for more tips, please put them in the comments section and I will include them in the article.

17. Cross-chaining gears.

An Example of Cross-Chaining of a Bicycle.

When you cross-chain, you are in the largest chain ring at the front (crank) and the smallest chain ring, the smallest cog (rear). This will cause your chain to come in at an angle that your bike will not appreciate.

Cycling instructions for beginners: Our guide to changing bicycle gears like a master!

18. Cadence matters:

Beginners frequently ride on greater ratios, expecting they would ride at a faster speed. Riding in higher gears, on the other hand, is difficult and exhausting. In such instances, a consistent tempo of 70-90 revolutions per minute will be beneficial.

Find a comfortable piece of equipment and work on keeping your cadence. In addition, attempt to anticipate steep slopes by shifting into a low (easy) gear shortly before you need it.

19. Stopping:

Always remember that the front brake is significantly more effective than the rear brake when it comes to braking. So try to engage both brakes simultaneously while maintaining an equilibrium (60/40 or 70/30 ratio). However, don’t go too fast because current bikes have excellent brakes.

Read More: V-Brakes or Disc Brakes: Who Has Better Stopping Force?

20. Change to clip-in pedals:

To begin, it may appear intimidating, but trust us when we say you won’t be sorry. The improvement you will notice with clip-in pedals will astound you. You will be far superior than previously, whether cycling flat or uphill.

We recommend that you plan ahead of time and unclip! Also, make it a habit to unclip with the same foot first.

Following the five cycling tips and techniques listed above will undoubtedly make you a better cyclist.

Beginner’s Monsoon Cycling Tips

21. Invest in an excellent wet lube:

 It’s monsoon season, and everything is going to be wet. This covers the terrain, as well as you and your bike. While you can’t change the landscape, you can dress appropriately to protect yourself and your bike.

A decent wet lubrication is a terrific place to start when it comes to your bike. This lubrication will protect your chain, nuts, and other parts from rain and maintain proper operation.

22. Lower tire pressure:

While there will be less friction between the tire and the road, lowering the pressure by 10- 20 psi will make a significant difference.

Lowering the tire pressure increases the surface area and provides more traction. More information can be found here.

23. Invest in good mudguards:

Consider investing in a good pair of mud-guards to keep dirt and muck off your back. They will undoubtedly assist you in reducing the quantity of dirt thrown on your face by the front wheel and back by the rear wheel.

24. Check the weather:

Check the weather before venturing out in the rain. If the weather is likely to be bad, consider staying indoors or waiting until it passes. Instead, use a home trainer for a few sessions.

25. Clean your bike:

While your body is cooling off, wash your bike. Because you’ve just returned from a ride, your bike is probably covered in grime, sludge, and other debris. Before storing it in the house, spritz it with water and wipe it dry.

Read More: How to Clean Your Bicycle in 15 Minutes or Less?

Conclusion on Cycling Tips for Beginners in India

Now that you are done with all the tips, I hope this blog on Cycling Tips for Beginners in India was helpful to you.

All these must be followed to have a safe and enjoyable ride. If you have any other tips that I failed to mention, drop them in the comments section

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