Tips to Remember when Cycling on Road in India: 6 advice you should know

by | Aug 20, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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Everyone is taking up cycling as a hobby after the lockdown in order to stay in shape. However, you shouldn’t venture out on the road without first learning the basics of bicycle riding. There are a few tips to remember when cycling on road in India, few things to keep in mind to have a safe and healthy road cycling experience in India. (NEEDS EDIT)

Indian drivers disregard traffic laws, which leads to numerous everyday accidents on the roads. We put your safety first, so keep these tips to remember when cycling on road in India.

According to research by, the number of road accidents in India has risen to 1.3%.

Check out these Cycling tips to remember when cycling on road in India, whether you’re an absolute beginner or an experienced cyclist.

Tips to remember when cycling on road in India

1. Avoid using a phone while riding a bicycle

Whether you’re driving a vehicle, riding a motorcycle, or a bicycle, concentration is crucial. Most frequently, accidents happen to people when they are listening to music or conversing on the phone. When riding a two- or four-wheeler, riders reduce their chances of accidents by being focused and aware of their surroundings.

2. Inspecting Bicycle Gears Prior to Riding

It is highly recommended to inspect your bicycle and its gears before to embarking on a short or long ride. In this case, inspecting cycling gear includes inspecting the chain oil, water bottle, soccer, seat, brakes, and helmet. All of the above must be checked before stepping onto a Bike.

3. Get away from traffic dangers

Potholes, puddles, uneven roads, large or small pebbles, and dogs are a few examples of road dangers. Every one of these objects has the potential to be hazardous and cause you to trip and fall. Approach them cautiously and cross them wisely, just like a skilled rider.

The lack of popularity of cycling in India makes Indian roadways unsuitable for cycling. For this reason, a lot of individuals drive cars rather than bicycles.

4. Follow Traffic Laws to Keep Yourself Safe

Tips to Remember when Cycling on Road in India - An Image showing all the traffic signals

The topic of whether cyclists in India can run a red light is a good one. Well No, even when riding a bicycle, you must abide by all traffic laws.

Many riders that I have witnessed occasionally cause accidents by jumping red lights because they do not adhere to even one traffic regulation. In light of this, it is wise for cyclists in India to abide by all traffic laws.

Some golden traffic regulations are essential to know if you are new to riding a bicycle on Indian roads and are unaware of any traffic laws.

5. Glancing Around as You Turn

Are you aware that turning on a road causes the majority of accidents? To make a safe turn, a cyclist must glance to both the left and right before turning. The reason being that even if you could be correct when riding, you never know about other people’s bikes who may collide with you.

This means that it’s a terrific idea for every a cyclist to check behind and around them before turning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Tips for cycling for beginners in India

Q1. Do cyclists in India have to follow the same traffic laws?

Yes, bikers in India are subject to the same traffic laws as everyone else. Riding a bike at first can be dangerous since many inexperienced riders often jump red lights. They put the lives of themselves and others at danger. It is imperative that everyone, including cyclists, abide by all traffic laws.

Q2. Which side of the road is it appropriate to ride a bicycle on?

The left side. When riding a bicycle, you should always stay on the far left side of the road and ride in the direction of traffic. Bicyclists are subject to the same traffic laws as everyone else. Do not run red lights, not to avoid tickets, but rather for your own safety. Hopefully, you now have a better idea of which side of the road we should stay on when cycling in India.

Q3. How can I ride a bicycle safely at night?

In India, riding a bicycle at night is not a particularly safe practice. On the other hand, if you ride at night, you will need to have a light up front, a tail light at the rear, and high-quality reflectors on your spokes and pedals. These cycling necessities will help you be seen clearly in the dark. Remember to always ride on your side and abide by traffic laws. Learn more.

Q4. Is there a set of golden guidelines for riding safety on the roads?

The golden rules of road safety should always be followed by cyclists, including: riding in the direction of traffic, wearing a helmet, staying alert, and keeping your bike in good condition. You should also never overtake other vehicles. As you turn, you should always look back and give hand signals.

Q5. What are the guidelines for riding a bike?

These guidelines should be followed: Ride with the flow of traffic; Pay attention to all traffic laws; avoid making your ride unmanageable; maintain your bike’s condition; and inspect your tires, bell, brakes, and lights before heading out for a trip.

Conclusion: Indian Road Cycling Tips

Do your best to keep in mind all of the aforementioned safety advice. A lot of other factors are also crucial for a cyclist, and we’ll talk about them in coming blog entries.

It should go without saying that inexperienced riders may find riding a bike challenging, but don’t panic. With some guidance and practice, a beginner cyclist may quickly become an expert. You’ll be able to take part in cycling competitions very soon once you are a professional cyclist.

I hope you found the post on “tips to remember when cycling on road in India” useful. If you wanna learn more about road bikes check out this guide.

Remember to post this article on your social media accounts. Help others ride safely by sharing this article’s information and recommendations.


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