What Makes Indian vs Imported Bicycle Brands Different? Which one should you Choose in 2024?

by | Sep 17, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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Most Indians view bicycles as a mode of transportation, but others also view riding as a sport or a pastime. Bicycle manufacturers cater to a variety of needs by offering a wide range of bicycles at varying price points.

The subject of comparing Indian vs Imported bicycle brands has been debated extensively. For them, a sophisticated bicycle with some striking colors appears ordinary. Actually, their appearance is not that far from the bicycles we typically see in India.

Regarding bicycle brands selection, one may become perplexed by the differences between Indian and imported bicycle manufacturers. such as the qualities of each bicycle and which one best suits your riding style.

People who don’t know much about bicycle design, innovation, or componentry sometimes think that high-end bikes are slightly more expensive than Indian models.

But they are completely shocked and shocked to learn the true cost. Then came the well-known exchange that we have all heard more than a dozen times. “Bhai, itne paise main toh bike aa Jaati!”

Ever wonder why bicycles made in India are less affordable than those made in imports? Do not fret! The purpose of this post is to help you choose the best bicycle brand for you by outlining the differences between Indian and Imported brands.

There are several differences between Indian and Imported bicycle brands, such as those related to quality, durability, design, & cost. well, Examine them in further depth.

In an attempt to simplify things, we’ve chosen to focus on the differences between Indian and imported cycle brands.

Indian Cycle Brands’ Features

Indian vs Imported Bicycle Brands

Due to the way it’s built to resist the harsh Indian climate and terrain, Indian bicycle manufacturers are renowned for their strength and endurance. Because they are composed of premium materials like iron, steel, and aluminium, they are robust and able to support large weights through all types of terrain. As we examine some further qualities of Indian bicycles:

1. Made extensively and locally

To cut costs, the majority of Indian bicycle businesses produce their bikes on a huge scale domestically. For this reason, the frames of these bicycles are manufactured with cheap welding, without any creativity or technological advancement.

2. The frames of Indian bicycles are robust and substantial.

The robustness of Indian bicycle frames is one of its key characteristics. Because steel and iron were used to make the structure without any consideration for weight control, it is robust and hefty. Additionally, making a bicycle costs less when these materials are used.

The rising demand for imported bicycles has led to the production of lightweight, corrosion-resistant aluminium alloy frames by many Indian companies, including Firefox, Montra, OMO, and Hercules.

Similar: Firefox Bikes vs. Ninety-One Cycles

3. A lower selling price (which begins at 5000 rupees)

When compared to imported bikes, Indian bicycles are more reasonably priced for the typical Indian customer. Is this the case? because Indian bicycles include a robust frame, inexpensive Chinese parts, and no import taxes.

Nonetheless, a few well-known Indian bicycle brands—Firefox, Ninety-One, and Montra—have begun offering high-end bikes in India at competitive prices (around 50,000 rupees) with an aluminum frame and branded components.

4. Low-cost parts and replacements

Since most Indian bicycle firms produce their bikes in big quantities, they often employ inexpensive parts and components. The Indian bicycle industry’s plant, located in Ludhiana, produces bicycles and their replacement components with little regard for quality. Simply said, they manufacture bicycles by replicating the design and then selling them at a low price.

Read this: List of all bicycle parts together with a picture

5. Minimal maintenance expenses

Indian bicycles are inexpensive due to their less creative designs and affordable replacement components. It follows that they don’t need a lot of upkeep. You won’t have to pay more than a few hundred rupees to replace any parts or components.

6. No tariff on imports

Since all Indian bicycle makers produce and market their products within India, they are exempt from paying import duties, which lowers their costs somewhat (bonus points for Indian cycle brands).

On the other hand, they are required to pay import taxes on some bicycle parts, such shifters and derailleurs made by Sram, Microshift, and Shimano. These manufacturers’ components are also found on bicycles made in India!

Additionally, a large range of models and designs are offered by Indian bicycle makers to accommodate various demands and tastes. Specific models exist for various purposes such as long-distance travel, off-road exploration, and city commuting.

It is also possible for riders to select the ideal gear and brake system from a variety of options offered by Indian bicycle companies.

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Characteristics of Imported Bicycles

Indian vs Imported Bicycle Brands

1. Creative Designs that make use of technology

Conversely, imported bicycle companies are renowned for their superior materials and cutting-edge technology. Professional and amateur riders frequently utilize them because of their speed and performance-oriented design.

Its lightweight construction, which includes composite materials, titanium, and carbon fiber, makes them quicker and more reactive to ride. The performance and riding experience of imported bicycle manufacturers are typically enhanced by the use of cutting-edge technologies like electronic shifting & suspension systems.

2. Lightweight Materials for Frames

The premium materials that foreign bicycle companies employ are among their key characteristics. Steel, titanium, and composite materials—all of which are lightweight and durable—are used to make imported bicycles.

The bikes are simpler to control, quicker, and more responsive thanks to these materials. Optimising the bike’s performance and speed is achieved by designing the frames to be aerodynamic. For competitive and racing riding, this makes imported bicycles perfect.

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3. A variety of bicycles for any need

In order to accommodate a variety of demands and tastes, imported bicycle companies also provide a large selection of models and designs. In the case of road racing, mountain riding, and triathlons, for instance, several models are offered. Riders can select the braking system and gear that best suits their requirements from a variety of options available.

4. Sophisticated technology

The cutting-edge technology seen in imported bicycles, such as their frequent installation of air suspension and electronic shifting, which boost performance and ride quality, is another characteristic.

Additionally, they include cutting-edge aerodynamic designs that increase the bikes’ speed and responsiveness. Imported bicycles are perfect for racing and professional cycling because to this technology.

5. Exorbitant for Indian buyers

Bicycle brands that are imported are often more costly than those that are Indian, but they also provide better quality and designs. Professional riders and cycling aficionados who are prepared to spend money on high-end, high-performance bicycles are the target market for them. Conversely, Indian bicycle manufacturers are more accessible and reasonably priced for the typical Indian customer.

6. Better Groupset

Premium component producers are the only ones whose components are used by imported bicycle brands. Rather than Chinese or locally made copies, the bicycles will either have Shimano or SRAM on them. A small number of Indian companies do use SRAM or Shimano parts. It is among the factors contributing to the significant variation in the shifting experience.

The answer is to picture turning on a switch to turn on the lights. Furthermore, compared to the components on your Indian cycle, the gears from Shimano and SRAM will undoubtedly last you for more time and are more costly.

It would burn a hole in your pocket to replace these. To start, the fundamental components of an Indian cycle would set you back around INR 1500-1800. On the other hand, the most basic premium bike component, like as Shimano, will set you back INR (3500–5000).

Similar: The Most Expensive Bicycles in India

Difference Between Indian and Imported Bicycle Brands

Clearly, there are differences between Indian and foreign bicycle brands in terms of pricing, design, technology, and durability. The ordinary Indian customer can buy more cheap Indian bicycle brands, which are renowned for their robustness and endurance.

Although imported bicycle brands are more expensive, they are renowned for their premium, lightweight materials and cutting-edge technology. That might not be appropriate for the typical Indian customer.

Indian Bicycle Brands’ Drawbacks

There are a few drawbacks to Indian bicycle brands that should be taken into account before making a purchase.

  • The absence of cutting-edge design and technology in comparison to foreign companies is one of the primary drawbacks.
  • Inadequate technology and design in Indian bicycles may result in less comfort and less efficiency when compared to bicycles from other countries.
  • Their absence of the same degree of lightweight materials and aerodynamic design may also have an impact on their speed and performance.
  • Absence of after-sales support and service: It may be challenging to obtain repairs or replacement components if necessary because certain Indian bicycle manufacturers do not offer the same degree of customer care and support as foreign brands.
  • Since the majority of Indian bicycles are somewhat hefty, they are not ideal for long-distance riding or racing. It’s possible that an imported bicycle might be more appropriate for the terrain.
  • There are riders who find the more conventional and unadorned style of Indian bicycles less appealing.

In general, Indian bicycles come with a unique blend of benefits and drawbacks. Although they are often less expensive and have a reputation for strength and durability, they might not have the most cutting-edge design or technology.

Imported Bicycle Brands’ Drawbacks

However, there are a few drawbacks to foreign bicycle brands that should be taken into account.

  • The price point is one of the primary drawbacks. Since imported bicycles are typically more expensive than Indian models, the average customer may find them more difficult to get.
  • Expensive maintenance: Thanks to this high expense, motorcyclists may find it difficult to pay for necessary repairs or replacement components.
  • Designer bicycles from abroad could have a sleeker, more contemporary look, but not everyone would find them appealing. The more conventional Indian bicycle design may be preferred by certain riders.
  • For Indian import bicycles, it might sometimes be difficult to get replacement parts due to the scarcity of supply.
  • No competent bike mechanics to tune up or service such imported brands.
  • Cycles that are imported are not appropriate for Indian roadways.

Though they are sometimes more expensive and might not be as well-suited for Indian terrain & weather, imported bicycle brands are often recognized for their premium materials and cutting-edge technology.

Conclusion: Indian vs Imported Bicycle Brands

It finally boils down to an individual’s unique wants and tastes when deciding between Chinese and Indian bicycle brands. Ordinary Indian customer may easily purchase Indian bicycle brands since they are more reasonably priced and offer durability and toughness.

While bicycles from imported producers are more expensive, they also include superior materials and cutting-edge technology. Each kind of brand has benefits and drawbacks of its own; the customer must consider all of the possibilities before making a decision.

All things considered, it’s critical to take pricing, design, and durability into account when choosing a brand to buy.

Now that you know the primary differences between Indian and imported cycle brands, which one are you more inclined to purchase?

Please share your opinion on the matter by leaving a comment.

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1 Comment

  1. Roger

    Nice Article


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