20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Bicycles in India You Should Know

by | Sep 6, 2023 | Electric Bicycle

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Due to their rechargeable batteries that power them and their ability of helping the rider with pedaling, electric bicycles, also referred to as e-bikes, are gaining popularity in India as a highly affordable and environmentally friendly form of transportation. This is because they make riding uphill or in strong headwinds less difficult.

All things in this world have benefits and drawbacks as well and e-bikes are no exception this. If you’re intending to buy an electric bicycle in India, you should be aware of these drawbacks as well.

Additionally, there are many things to take into account, and ultimately it will depend on how well they fit your preferences, lifestyle, hometown, and commute.

Both e-bike enthusiasts and detractors may agree that there are advantages and disadvantages of electric bicycles.

We have developed a list of the benefits and drawbacks of electric bicycles in India in addition to some significant frequently asked questions about them after conducting extensive study and testing a few electric cycles.

To learn the benefits and drawbacks of riding an electric bike in India, continue reading this article through to the conclusion.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Bicycles in India

Electric bicycles are without a doubt among the least expensive forms of transportation, but they also have some drawbacks that should not be overlooked. First, let’s discuss the advantages of electric bicycle riding in India.

Benefits of Riding an electric bicycle in India

  1. Simple battery charging: The battery of an electric bicycle is readily charged at home as well as at a nearby charging station, which makes riding one of these bikes quite handy.
  2. Minimal Maintenance: Compared to conventional gasoline-powered cars or motorbikes, electric cycles require less upkeep, which can result in savings.
  3. Eco-friendly: Since electric bicycles don’t release any hazardous pollutants into the atmosphere, they contribute to a reduction in air pollution & an improvement in air quality.
  4. Absence of fuel expenses: Using an e-bike or e-cycle instead of a car can result in long-term cost savings as they don’t use conventional form of fuels like petrol and diesel etc..
  5. Economical: Compared to conventional vehicles (cars, motorbikes with gasoline engines, and CNG vehicles), electric bicycles are less expensive, thus making them an economical form of transportation for commute.
  6. Minimal carbon footprint: Compared to conventional gasoline-powered cars, electric cycles have a substantially less carbon footprint, that can aid in the fight against climate change and the production of greenhouse gases.
  7. Minimal operating expenses: Because electric bicycles simply require power and don’t require fossil fuels, they have minimal running costs.
  8. Suitable for brief commutes: Since electric bicycles typically have a range of 25 to 50 km, they are an excellent choice for brief journeys to places of jobs, colleges, or schools.
  9. Silent operation: E-bicycles are a great choice for usage in crowded metropolitan areas since they generate less noise than conventional gasoline-powered vehicles.
  10. Advantageous to your health: Pedaling is a key component of riding an electric bicycle, which enhances your general fitness and well-being.
  11. Registration: Government registration is not required for electric bicycles using motors rated at 250 watts or less, which can save both time and money.
  12. No Traffic Issues: There will be no time wasted waiting for traffic since electric bicycles can weave in and out of vehicles with ease.
  13. No Driving License: It is not necessary to have a driver’s license to ride an electric bicycle in India if the motor is 250 watts or less.
  14. Road tax exemption: Road tax exemptions for electric bicycles might result in financial savings.
  15. No parking fee: In certain places, parking costs for electric bicycles are waived, which might result in financial savings.
  16. Benefits for students: Students may save money while traveling to school or college more conveniently by purchasing an electric bicycle, which is reasonably priced.
  17. Simple to store: You may save room by storing electric bicycles in a compact place.
  18. Beneficial to the elderly: With a motor that makes pedaling easier and can support the maintenance of senior people’ health, electric bicycles is an ideal form of transportation for older adults.
  19. Safer: An electronic bike is safer to ride than a traditional bike, according to a Portland University research that also found that riders love riding electric bikes. 
  20. Government support: In order to lessen reliance on fossil fuels, cut pollution, and enhance air quality, the Indian government is encouraging the adoption of electric cycles through a number of laws and programs. It is anticipated that this would cause the Indian market for electric bicycles to expand.
  21. Ride when battery dies: The motor on your e-bike won’t be harmed by riding it without a battery, despite your concerns. By riding the bike when it’s off, you avoid undue pressure on your motor. The only thing that will be strained are your muscles.
  22. Promote riding culture: Riding an electric bike might persuade more people to go to the roads, therefore promoting cycling culture in India.

Related: Does Electric Bike need an Insurance in India?

Drawbacks of riding an electric bicycle in India

  1. Weight: Compared to conventional bicycles, electric bicycles tend to be heavier, which might make riding them more challenging when the battery runs out or during transit.
  2. Recharging time: Charging an electric bicycle’s battery requires significant time, which might be inconvenient for those who must use their e-bike regularly.
  3. Battery replacement: Replacing batteries on an electric cycle on a regular basis can be really expensive & quite time-consuming.
  4. Restricted range: Those who want to go longer distances using their e-bikes may find that their electric bicycles have a restricted range upon a single charge.
  5. Expensive: Those on a limited budget may find electric bicycles to be more costly than regular bicycles. If you cannot afford to buy an e-bike, use Yulu bikes.
  6. Lack of infrastructure: Finding a spot to charge your e-bike might be challenging in India due to a shortage of charging infrastructure.
  7. Weather dependent: In severe weather, including persistent rain or high winds, electric bicycles could not function as intended. It is possible to ride an electric bicycle in the rain, though.
  8. Restricted availability: It might be challenging to get replacement parts or have repairs completed on electric bicycles because they are not yet commonly accessible in India.
  9. Higher Maintenance and Spare Parts Costs: E-bikes need more expensive maintenance and replacement parts than standard bikes. The price of maintenance and replacement parts differs from that of motorbikes and other vehicles. However, depending on the kind of damage, it can be considerable.
  10. Not appropriate for everyone: Individuals with specific physical limitations, like those who are unable to pedal, may find that electric bicycles are not suitable for them.
  11. Probability of theft: Because electric bicycles are costly and portable, they are susceptible to theft in India. To prevent theft of your bicycle, heed these steps.
  12. Limited range and speed: The maximum speed of an electric bicycle is normally just 25 km/h in India, which might be a drawback for riders who must go at faster rates. Additionally, because of its short range, e-bike users frequently worry that they are going to run out of charge before arriving at their destination.
  13. Daily charging: Irritatingly, adding this step to your day might be a concern.  The worst thing is leaving it unplugged before you leave.  Not a single judgment. But I’d much prefer not peddle and just plug in my bike ten times a day. Thus, this is a subjective matter. 
  14. Restricted power: The restricted power output of electric bicycles might be a drawback for riders who must ride on steep hills or against strong headwinds.
  15. Degradation of Battery: When an e-bike’s battery deteriorates with time, its range decreases and a replacement is required. An e-bike battery costs around fifteen thousand.
  16. Limited technological knowledge: It might be challenging for many Indians to grasp how to use and take care of their electric bicycles since they are unfamiliar with the technology.
  17. Restricted usage in rural locations: Because there is less maintenance on the roads, less electricity, and longer travel times, electric bicycles might not prove very useful in rural areas.
  18. Wear & Tear of Wheels: Tire changes will be the only significant cost (because you’ll be saving gasoline and the battery will last for many years) as a result of the bike’s weight of over fifty pounds. If your commute is full of potholes, gravel, or other harmful pavement divots that prematurely wear out your pricey electronic bike baby, then these will be needed more frequently. 
  19. Difficult to peddle if battery dies: It is more difficult to peddle a bike with a dead battery. This may be really annoying if you neglect to charge the bike. Without a motor, pedaling this bike will be quite exhausting. This range of bikes’ weights is 30-70 lbs. So, if your commute is more than a mile long, pedaling this is no joke.

FAQs on Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Bicycle in India

1. How much do E-bikes Cost in India?

Depending on the manufacturer and type, e-bike prices in India might vary significantly, but they typically range from 20,000 to 1,50,000 rupees.

2. What dangers come with buying electric bicycles in India?

Well, India’s e-bike sector is still in its infancy, and there are many unanswered questions regarding laws and possible technological advancements. It also helps that the sector relies heavily on lithium-ion batteries, which are costly and have a short lifespan.

3. Does purchasing an electric bike make sense?

Certainly, considering how affordable and eco-friendly electric bikes are, it is well worth making the investment. Accordingly, it saves both the environment and your money. Furthermore, if you purchase an e-bike, the government will reimburse you.

4. Which e-bike brands are well-known in India?

Indian consumers are drawn to the Hero Lectro, E-Motorad, Motovolt, and Ather Energy Some well Known brands of e-bikes and cycles.

5. What advantages come with purchasing an e-bike?

Purchasing an e-bike may be an economical and environmentally responsible way to get about. The growing demand for e-bikes has the potential to be a profitable investment opportunity in future.

Conclusion: Benefits and Drawbacks of Electric Bicycles in India

What’s best for you ultimately determines whether you select an electric bike or not.  Although they have benefits and drawbacks, the worst drawback is that if you’re not content, regardless of the benefits. 

With regard to electric bicycles vs pedal-powered bicycles or automobiles in India, I hope you now understand the pros and cons of each. In the end, I’d say that e-bikes offer more pros than cons, including the fact that they’re affordable, easy to maintain, cheap to run, good for the environment, convenient for short trips, and rechargeable at either home or a public charging station.

Think about the aforementioned aspects and choose a conventional bike if an electrical bike isn’t the best option. A better e-bike may always be purchased later with saved money, but a high-quality model requires a significant initial expenditure. 

In addition to being beneficial to health, they can aid in lowering greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Furthermore, India’s EV industry is expanding as a result of government subsidies for electric bicycles.

Yet, there are a number of significant disadvantages with electric cycles, including their restricted speed, limited range, and high cost due to the need for regular battery replacement, which makes them unsuitable for everyone.

With any luck, this guide has helped you digest the benefits and drawbacks more clearly and see past the subjective justifications to the quantitative explanations.  An electronic bike is the best choice for people who are concerned about the environment, their ability to go great distances without tiring, and long-term financial savings.

We appreciate you reading this blog post through to the conclusion. Please feel free to comment below with your insightful opinions or to suggest another topic related to e-bikes. Of course, we would respond to your inquiries and, if necessary, create an article to resolve your doubt.

Stay tuned until then!

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