How to Prevent Cycle Theft in India: 12 Tips you should Know

by | Sep 5, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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For any cyclist, whether they ride for fun or a career, there are always gonna be some serious concerns about bicycle theft. Because of this reason, it’s get very critical to keep your bicycle safe against any type of theft.

The thing is, How can you possibly believe that your bicycle is safe from thieves when, regrettably, vehicles and motorcycles are not safe in India? To guard against someone stealing your bicycle, you need to take some precautions. If not, someone will steal your bicycle.

In your quest to learn How to Prevent Cycle Theft in India, you have come to the correct place. I’ve outlined the top ten strategies for preventing bicycle theft in this blog post so you may ride your bike wherever without worrying about it getting taken.

Some Facts on Bike Theft:

  • Bicycle theft is almost twice as common as an automobile theft.
  • The majority of drivers have the bad habit of not locking their motorcycles.
  • Just 26 percent of all stolen motorcycles are found.
  • Up to 60% of the bikes are broken down into component pieces and sold.
  • It’s true that a skilled burglar can take a bike in less than 15 seconds, believe me or not.

From now on, let’s begin keeping your bicycle safe from thieves.

12 Advices on How to Prevent cycle Theft in India:

Bicycle theft may be prevented in India by following the following 10 guidelines, which have been widely adopted by riders for a considerable amount of time:

1. Get a reliable, high-quality bicycle lock.

An Orange bicycle Locked with a bike lock.

The majority of you use cable locks to secure your bicycles. Though keep in mind that if your lock is not heavy, robbers may simply steal & unlock your bike with the correct tool. By using a strong cycle lock to secure your bicycle, you can only make it more difficult & time-consuming for the criminals to steal your bike.

What is the best way to secure your bicycle to keep thieves away from it?

  • To keep your bike safe from thieves, always lock it with heavy-duty chains and U-locks. Avoid using cable locks at all costs, since they are readily hacked with garden shears.
  • It is important to secure the bicycle frame and both wheels to prevent theft of the wheel.
  • To make it difficult and time-consuming for thieves to unlock your bicycle, always secure it with many locks. You may even need a special gadget to obtain the keys.
  • Apply a compact U-lock to securely fasten your bicycle, preventing the burglar from having much room to remove the lock and steal your bike.
  • Use a stationary object, such as a tree, metal garden table, parking rod, etc., to secure your bicycle at all times.

The following are the top bicycle locks to prevent bicycle theft in India in India for preventing bike theft:

2. Let your bike stand out from the crowd.

4 bicycle parked at a parking lot.

If your bicycle is readily hidden from passersby, there’s a higher chance that it may be stolen. A location where there is less chance of being discovered by mistake is ideal for stealing.

Ensuring that your bike is immediately recognizable and visible is the general defense. Everybody should be drawn to the bike’s distinctiveness. To make them stand out, use reflectors, vivid colors, one-of-a-kind stickers, and humorous embellishments.

The distinctive look might assist prevent theft of your bicycle. But it won’t help, particularly if it’s hidden or in a dimly lit place. It is therefore best to always park your bike in well-lit, open places.

3. Make use of your bicycle’s theft-detection features.

The security mechanism on your bike alone is not strong enough to prevent bicycle theft. Installing and utilizing additional anti-theft devices is important if you want to keep your bicycle from being taken.

The most useful chain you can get is the anti-theft bicycle chain, so you can use it. Compared to iron chains that are readily cut, such anti-theft chains are more resilient to damage, thus extremely durable.

4. Securely fasten your bicycle, even while you’re at home.

A bicycle is parked in the room.

The fact that your bicycle is on your property gives you peace of mind. It does not, however, imply that it is impervious to robbers. Make careful to secure them with an immovable object or in a garage using a robust method when they are not inside the building.

Be sure they are fastened securely to anything that would create a loud thud sound if someone tried to move them, and make sure they are beyond their reach. It would function as a do-it-yourself shed alarm. Secure it in your room & lock it safely in a confined location if you don’t have enough room for a garage or live in an apartment.

5. Install a GPS tracker or other bicycle monitoring device.

The likelihood of your bike being stolen is significantly reduced if the lock is of good quality and you adhere to the previously recommended precautions. A number of the newest goods are available on the market today, & GPS bicycle tracking is one such inventive concept.

Additionally, there are less expensive Bluetooth bike trackers available than GPS ones. In the unlikely event that your bike is stolen and you can’t recall where you left it in the parking lot, they are providing an extra degree of security for your ride, aiding in its recovery.

6. Don’t always park in the same area.

A bicycle parked outside of bistro nearby a small canal.

If thieves see that you leave your cycle in the same position every day, they may get interested in you and your bike. Once they have the right tool, they might use this information to unlock your bike and take off.

It’s best to avoid parking in the same area every day if you want to keep your bicycle safe from thieves. Search for alternate places to leave your bike and attempt to secure it with a variety of screws.

7. Ensure that your bicycle is protected while being transported.

A bicycle Cover.

Bicycles that are transported by cars on bike racks, regardless of whether they’re inside or outside the vehicle, present a low-hanging fruit for robbers that may be taken in a matter of seconds. Thus, while traveling, always protect your bicycle.

In addition to shielding it from rain, dust, and dirty air, covering your bike while being transported also keeps criminals away from it. Therefore, if you don’t already have one, acquire a bicycle cover.

8. Insure your bike!

Keep in mind that no measure is 100% secure against theft; even with all the safeguards taken, theft might still happen. Then what should you do if it happens? Can you accept the loss? Not at all!

Purchasing a comprehensive two-wheeler insurance coverage for bicycles is one way to protect your ride. If your car is taken, this coverage protects you against potential theft, and the insurance provider will reimburse you based on the estimated value of your bicycle.

To make a two-wheeler insurance claim against a stolen vehicle, you must first register a formal complaint (FIR) at the closest police station. A copy of the FIR and any additional policies that are recorded must also be submitted. Get bike insurance from any reputed insurance company.

Read More: Also Checkout Best Anti Theft Backpack in India you Should Know About.

9. Never throw away any receipts for bicycle purchases or repairs.

Regardless of matter whether you purchased a brand-new bike or even a used one, you must have the transaction receipts on hand. If you ever run into problems with your bike, having these receipts as proof of your actual purchases will come in helpful.

Keeping receipts for any repairs you do to your bike is an excellent idea, just like it is for your cars. If you get your bicycle serviced, save those receipt as well. Ensure that you carry the receipt if you are purchasing a new saddle. Safely store them somewhere.

Recording the purchase date, the name and address of the previous owner, the purchase details, and a few basic notes about the bike you purchased are crucial when buying a used bike. Request the owner’s signature on the receipt to verify the bike’s authenticity, and don’t forget to write down the purchase price, serial number, and any other pertinent information, including the bike’s brand & model.

10. Before you leave, always lock your bicycles.

A bicycle locked using the conventional bike lock.

A few occasions, a rider leaves their bike unlocked and is reckless, which leads to the theft of your motorcycles. Or, because you didn’t take adequate precautions to secure them, the bicycles are also taken. Not sure if it’s a secure place to lock it in? Always attempt to scope out your intended location before making a call.

There are very few bicycle parking racks, therefore always utilise any immovable item that is solidly connected to the surface while securing the rack. To make it easier for the thieves to take the bicycle, it may be a bench, a metal pole, or even a grill. Storing a bicycle in a busy public area makes it difficult for criminals to steal it.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding How to Protect Bicycle from Theft in India

1. Which locks are most effective in stopping bicycle theft?

To properly secure a bicycle, you need also utilize chain locks and u-locks in addition to cable locks. Use these locks to secure your bicycle to an immovable object.

2. When a bicycle is stolen, what should you do?

Visit the closest police station to the scene of the theft, submit a police report, and provide them with all the information about your bicycle, including the predicted time of arrival and where it was parked. Please save your bicycle’s original bill of sale (ownership paperwork). However, there’s no way for this method to ensure that you will receive your bicycle back.

Conclusion on Strategies for Stopping Bike Theft in India

The majority of people in India don’t purchase and ride bicycles since bicycle theft is a serious issue. Bicycle parking spaces are hard to come by, which means that even if you do secure your bike, it might still be stolen and no one will be able to locate it—not even the police.

Thus, there is no such thing as too much precaution when it comes to preventing bicycle theft in India. In light of your circumstances, try implementing a few of the aforementioned suggestions.

Please keep riding so you can keep getting health benefits, and I hope your bike is never taken. Remember to lock your bike with an immovable item and obtain insurance for it. Those who possess expensive bikes should take particular note of this.

Please recommend this blog to your friends so they may learn some helpful strategies for keeping their bikes safe from thieves. We want you to share any other suggestions you may have in the space provided for comments below.


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