How to Win A Slow Cycling Race? 5 Tips for Slow Cycle Racing

by | Aug 30, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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“Slow” is hardly the first word that comes to mind when we discuss racing. On the other hand, you do have to consider how you’re going to be the slowest rider on the track when participating in this unusual activity.

The greatest strategies for putting such strategies into practice and ultimately how to win a slow cycling race are covered in this article.

Slow cycling racecourses are typically 20 meters in length. A typical race allows contestants two runs, during which time they are not allowed to contact the ground with any part of their body. In addition, you have to ride your bicycle ahead throughout the whole duration of the race. In order to help you win your next slow cycling event, we have developed some helpful strategies.

You will discover how using comfortable cycles could assist you win the race in this blog post. In addition, what kind of tires must to be used? How should your body be positioned to increase your chances of winning? Does adjusting the tire pressure assist? All of you- queries about how to win a slow cycling race are answered in this post! For further advice and advantages of slow cycling, make sure to read this article through to the very end.

4 Pro Tips to Win A Slow Cycling Race

1.  Posture

A person doing slow cycling.

While it is common knowledge how to sit and arrange one’s limbs when riding a bicycle, this typical approach may not be helpful in winning a sluggish cycling race. Maintaining a standing posture with your feet on the pedal is the most efficient bicycle position.

In this manner, you might keep your equilibrium while moving extremely slowly. Encouraging your core strength is the concept behind this practice. It’s important to avoid losing your balance by keeping your arms overly rigid.

We would not advise using the reverse pedal approach, even if you may have heard some bikers do so. Eventually, you will find yourself pedaling harder forward to balance the reverse force. Thus, keep your composure, raise yourself off the seat, retain your core strength, and grasp something firmly but not tightly.

Read this: What is BRM in Cycling?

2. Pedal using 50% of Your Strength

A cyclist riding his red road bike using flat pedals.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “Come on, we all know how to pedal! ” Although you already know this, do you know how to win a slow-cycle race? Indeed, when it comes to slow riding, each fundamental cycling method has a unique manner of being used. Applying half of the effort instead of pushing all the way is the greatest technique to get the ideal pedal.

While following the rules, you will be able to go more slowly if you do this. It may be important to maintain your center of gravity rather than bending forward completly when doing this, though.

3. Make Use of Wider Tire Types

A black fat tire bike standing in the woods.

Another crucial factor that could potentially assist you win the next slow cycling competition is the width of your tires. Using thicker, wider tires is something that is strongly advise. Since skinny tires have less surface area overall, they will travel faster, which is why we recommend it. That’s why you can’t use the word “completely” to describe a slow race.

While a thick tire would undoubtedly benefit you, are there any other ways to improve tire performance? Yes, indeed. Selecting tires with a rough surface is another piece of advice we would like to provide.

4. Lower Air Pressure

Measuring tire pressure.

It is imperative that you maintain the lowest possible tire pressure when racing a slow cycle, in contrast to our custom of keeping our tires inflated.

Let’s examine why this is so crucial. A high air pressure in your tires indicates that they are not making as much contact with the ground, which lowers traction and, ultimately, friction. As everyone knows, motion moves more quickly when there is less friction between two objects.

In order to achieve the best possible results, lower the air pressure in your tires. This will help you make more contact with the ground & increase the amount of friction between your bike and the ground, which will ultimately cause your speed to decrease.

Which Kind of Cycle Is Ideal to Win a Slow Cycling Event?

Our first thought when discussing cycling races is usually of those high-end, sporty bikes with low handlebars and gears. However, let me tell you something: winning a slow cycle race has nothing to do with those high-performance bikes. Actually, the ideal bike to get is your basic roadster-style bike!

Cycles with racing-style handlebars are not the best for slow racing since they are low. Why? Because you should maintain a tight, centering core to achieve maximum balance, doing so will throw off your core equilibrium.

In a slow cycling race, weight is crucial, and roadster-style bikes typically weigh more than regular racing bikes. Being heavier than a lightweight bicycle is a result of the heavier bike’s inherent gravitational pull, which increases friction and ultimately causes the rider to go more slowly.

Is Your Next Slow Cycle Race Something You’re Ready to Win?

Some things are good to just appreciate the process of, especially in our fast-paced world when everything moves so quickly. An example of this for us is slowly cycling. We find it incredible that humans can take a quick sport and turn it into a slow-moving racing battle.

Our goal is to help you win your next slow cycling event by providing you with effective yet easy suggestions and strategies to improve both your and your bike’s ability to lower the pace.

We know you’re excited about the possibility of victory, but we want you to keep in mind how much fun it was just getting ready for the event and taking part in it.

Slow Cycling Skills

Bike handling abilities for bikers are enhanced when they can balance their bikes at extremely modest speeds.

Practicing cycling in circles is an excellent method to gain confidence when navigating slow, tight bends. It’s even possible to do this in your yard or driveway. It’s far more enjoyable to practice tight turns like this before learning how to do a trackstand. Before doing this practice, you might wish to unclip your feet.

Reducing the circle to the smallest feasible size is the task. This calls for extremely slow riding, including applying the brakes evenly. Your foot or knee may collide with the handlebar if it is turned too much, preventing you from completing full pedal strokes. Ratcheting the pedals and doing partial strokes is the solution. To avoid pushing the front wheel and widening the circle, proceed slowly and smoothly.

Turning really tight requires a lot of balance. There may be moments when you’re on the verge of trackstand. Rotate in a clockwise manner. Rotate in a counterclockwise direction. Develop your ability to change directions quickly and smoothly.

Is Slow Cycle Racing a Real Sport? 

Sure, Riding a slow bicycle is an actual sport. Slow cycle racing is far more work and requires much more training than traditional racing, despite the fact that it does away with the idea of “racing,” which is intended to be quick and durable. The fact that slow cycling goes against our natural inclination to accelerate and use maximum force on the pedal is one of the main causes.

“Slow and steady wins the race” is a proverb you are probably familiar with. Slow cycling events are becoming more and more popular around the nation, which is a new trend that puts this to heart.

Competitors of all ages and fitness levels aim to move forward as slowly as they can in slow bike races without losing control of their bikes or rolling backward. The last person to cross the finish line wins, unlike in conventional races. 

Slow reactions are required for the slow cycle exercise in order to improve our response time. Competitors must maintain an ideal equilibrium between their mentality, core strength, and pedalling motions, which calls for a calm and stable state of mind.

The Traditional Games-Cycling Federation of India actually organizes slow cycling competitions each year. Then, What are you waiting for? you could really try slow cycle racing! the next time it happens.

Frequently Asked Questions about  How to Win a Slow Cycling Race

Q1. How can I move slowly before a slow cycling race?

To win the slow cycling race, it is advised to utilize thicker and wider bicycle tires. More surface area is covered by wider tires, which slows down your bicycle. Additionally, you need to make sure that the bicycle tire has low air pressure. To succeed, you must consistently practice maintaining traction.

Q2. In a sluggish cycling race, is standing or sitting preferable?

Instead of sitting down to win the race, it is quite beneficial to assume a standing stance. In order to win the slow bicycle race, beginners need adhere to the professional advice provided above.

Q3. How can one maintain bodily equilibrium during a sluggish bicycle race?

Utilizing your core strength is crucial. As your cycle travels to the right or left, shift your body weight to the left. Let’s see how it works. To avoid losing your balance and losing the game, please make sure that your arms are not overly rigid.

How to Win a Slow Cycling Race: Conclusion

In addition to teaching agility, slow cycling is an entertaining and original approach to depict a competition. You gain a new outlook on life by participating in this activity.

Imagine how difficult riding would be if you had to ride at different speeds when you were a youngster. When it comes to slow cycling at this age, it’s necessary to take a step back, gather your thoughts, and strive to be the slowest of all. Your goals are time-oriented, and you are always sprinting to attain them. Unusual, huh?

That is, after all, what makes it so enjoyable! All things considered, we hope that our post was useful and instructive and that we inspired a passion and enthusiasm for slow cycling in you.

Continue riding! Recall to move slowly!

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