How to Promote Cycling in India? 12 of the best ways to encourage cycling

by | Aug 24, 2023 | Tips & Guide

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Motor vehicles are the biggest contributor of pollution and traffic jams on India’s roadways, both in terms of polluted air and the level of noise. Cyclists, on the other hand, feel uneasy among them, and as a result, very few people utilize bicycles in India.

Our primary focus is on figuring out how to promote cycling in India. We discovered the top ten techniques to promote cycling in India and encourage people to pedal to work.

Learn the important reasons why cycling  is not popular in India there if you are unaware of them. But now we’re here to figure out the best method to promote cycling in India.

All right, let’s get into a detailed discussion on how to promote cycling in India. If you have any other ideas, feel free to leave a comment below.

How Can Cycling Be Promoted in India?

It is quite difficult to promote something in India. I’ve discovered a new word: encourage. As a result, our mission is to inspire more cyclists in India. A bicycle is a mode of transportation that saves money while also improving your health and fitness.

There are several approaches we may use to promote cycling in India; each one is worth exploring in detail.

1. Change your cycling mindset

A man holding his bicycle in air.

Many Indians believe that a person who rides a bicycle does not have enough money to acquire a car or a motorcycle, so he or she rides a bicycle. This is not how you should think.

Cycling is a sport in India, and it is also a part of the Olympics. You can pursue a career in cycling. In order to ride a bicycle in India, you must first adjust your thinking. It is one of the most effective methods of promoting cycling in India. Isn’t that right?

When you see countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. The majority of people travel to work by bicycle, and they are also wealthy. They, however, do not think in this manner.

2. Ride bicycles for fitness.

When you have a positive view toward cycling, you will enjoy riding and will encounter many things that you will never encounter in a car or on a motorcycle.

Most individuals in India go to the gym and pay a monthly subscription to maintain their health and fitness. Cycling for 30 minutes every day can provide the same benefits as going to the gym.

That is, instead of going to the gym, you may ride your bike. You’ll enjoy some fresh air while biking through nature as a result pf cycling you lose weight becomes healthy and many more. Cycling is an aerobic sport that will burn calories while also maintaining your physique for free.

You can even utilize the spin bikes on your balcony during the wet season.

3. Encourage people to ride their bikes to work.

Bicycling to work is recommended if the distance between your home and place where you work is less than 7 kilometers. You will save money and reduce the number of motor cars on the road, both of which will benefit the environment.

Cycling is an excellent mode for travel for students, and if you are a student, you should ride a bicycle to school or college. You’ll be astonished after a month of doing the same thing. You will see a significant improvement in yourself, which will urge your friends to join you.

4. Use bicycles for short journeys instead of cars or motorcycles

A girl riding her orange e-bike.

Avoid utilizing your motorcycle or car for short distances. It is preferable to utilize a bicycle for short distances; a bicycle is an efficient mode of transportation for short distances.

If you bring your motorcycle and car, you may take longer. A bicycle, on the other hand, can be taken anywhere on any type of street. A bicycle thus saves you both time and money.

If you don’t already have one, purchase one mountain bike or whatever bike you want.

How Can India’s Government Promote Cycling?

The government must take certain steps to promote cycling in India. It is controversial why the Indian government does not promote riding, despite the fact that cycling has numerous environmental benefits.

According to some cyclists, the government may believe that cyclists do not contribute to the economy because they do not purchase gasoline or pay road taxes. Is it? Let’s not get into that right now.

What actions should the government take to promote cycling in India:

5. Improve cyclist safety on the road.

Bicyclists in India feel uncomfortable because other drivers do not care about cyclists. As a result, cyclists are the most common victims of hit-and-run accidents. The government should impose strong penalties on drivers who violate traffic laws.

Roads are made out of gravel, stones, sand, and other materials. Riding a bike on this type of road with so many puddles packed with water is quite difficult. The roads are not in good shape for a bicycle rider.

As a result, the government should build new roads, provide sufficient road lights, and create a separate green signal for bikes only.

6. Separate lanes for bikers.

Cyclist riding on seperate lanes and cards on the main road.

Cycling lanes have been constructed in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. However, bike lanes are scarce in India. In Uttar Pradesh, we have a 207-kilometer-long first-cycle highway.

As a result, the government should create additional cycling lanes so that more people can ride bicycles together. Cycling lanes on roads make riders feel quite safe, and more people begin riding bicycles.

7. The tax on bicycles should be lowered.

The government should lower bicycle tax rates so that prices fall and more people buy bicycles. Because there are some people who wish to ride bikes but do not have the funds to do so.

The covid-19 pandemic has affected the entire world, as you know, and it has exacerbated economic inequality. In this case, if the government lowers the tax rate, more people will cycle to work, saving money every day.

8. Create spaces for bicycle parking.

Several cycles parked at bicycle Parking lot.

Because bike parking spaces are scarce in India, most individuals are hesitant to commute by bicycle for fear of being robbed. Most people own bicycles but do not ride them because they are stolen.

If the government creates bicycle parking areas where people can easily lock their bicycles safely. It will almost certainly encourage more Indians to ride bicycles in India. It is one of the most effective strategies of promoting cycling in India.

Insurance for bicycles was unavailable before, but many companies now offer it in India. This will also encourage individuals to ride their bikes on the roadways because bicycle insurance is beneficial.

9. Applying traffic laws that benefit cyclists

A traffic sign collage

There should be regulations in place to protect cyclists when they ride, so that no one may strike or bully them. If someone is caught doing this, he or she must face severe consequences.

In India, How can employees be encouraged to cycle to work?

How to promote cycling in india - An Image of a person Cycling

In India, many people ride bicycles to work. It is also encouraged by many corporates and they also provide rewards to their employees.

Cycling is one of the most effective ways to stay active and healthy. Cycling to work is beneficial because it allows you to get some exercise while simultaneously getting to your office. Thus, cycling to work has numerous astounding advantages.

Countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have “Cycle to Work Schemes” that encourage more individuals to travel to and from work by bicycle in order to minimize pollution and traffic.

There is currently no such system in India, but people should adopt this habit in order to get the benefits of cycling to work. If you want to encourage employees to cycle to and from work, you must first do so. People will then observe you, follow you, and even join you.

10. Corporate incentives and contests for cycling to work:

Employees are challenged on a monthly/weekly basis to pedal the most kilometers. Winners receive gift cards or cash awards. Reward points or monetary incentives for cycling to work every day. Points can be used to purchase paid time off or presents.

Participation in cycling competitions such as long distance rides might be sponsored. Registration fees should be subsidized. Employee recognition and public leaderboards for best cycling employees.

11. Allow employees who ride to work flexible hours:

Allow employees who ride their bikes to work to arrive early or leave late to avoid peak traffic.Allow for schedule flexibility to compensate for time spent cycling or freshening up after the trip.

Make temporary workstations available for employees to shower and change before returning to work after riding. Corporate cycling groups and events should be sponsored:

12. Sponsor a cycling group for employees at your office. Corporate logos can be used to fund bicycles and gear.

Organize weekly group rides along designated bike routes before or after work.

Participation in public cycling events such as city marathons and long distance rides can be sponsored.

Hold cycling events in the city for corporate employees, complete with food, music, and competitions.Organize bike workshops to teach staff on riding safety, technique, and maintenance, among other topics.

5 Ways to Encourage Employees to Ride Their Bikes to Work:

Three People cycling together.

  1. If you ride your bike to work, you’ll increase your cardiovascular fitness and lower your risk of heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. If you motivate your friends or coworkers, they will be more likely to cycle to work with you.
  1. Most employees in India are time-pressed, and they frequently complain about not having enough time to exercise, practice yoga, or engage in other physical activities. Cycling to work may be the ideal option for them because cycling is an exercise that can be done while going to work and returning home, completing your exercise.
  1. Cycling regularly lowers body fat, and most people prefer to lose body fat by doing nothing. However, it is difficult to obtain something without also losing something. If you cycle to work on a daily basis, you will undoubtedly lose body fat and get a great body shape.
  1. Youth in India are stressed, which leads to depression. Cycling reduces stress levels, therefore this issue can be solved. We should start riding bicycles to work, for exercise, and for short distances.
  1. Cycling to work is inexpensive; it costs nothing yet has numerous health benefits.

In India, how do you feel when you start cycling to work:

Conclusion on How to Promote Cycling in India

The rising cost of petrol and the country’s pollution levels have made bicycle commuting an essential in India. People will soon be able to leave their homes just riding their bicycles. So why wait till tomorrow when you can do it today?

You must have figured out how to promote cycling in India by now. Cycling in India can only be promoted by you, me, and the government. Instead of waiting for change, let us be the change and urge India to cycle.

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